My first Channel-billed Cuckoo for the season was seen on Friday the 12th
September in Epping. It flew without calling into a Liquid Amber opposite my
house & I became aware of it because of 20 Noisy Miners loudly complaining.
After about 15 minutes the CBC flew off silently. If not for the NM chorus I
would never have noticed it.
From Jenny Stiles
-----Original Message-----
From: Laurie Knight
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 5:54 AM
To: Paul Doyle
Cc: Birding Aus ; Brian Everingham
Subject: Channel Billed Cuckoo
G’day chaps
As a matter of interest, were the first CBCs you observed calling in flight?
Regards, Laurie.
On 15 Sep 2014, at 8:48 pm, Paul Doyle <> wrote:
At Como, NSW (about 5Km North of Engadine as the CBC flies), my first one
was on Sept. 7th.
Paul Doyle
-----Original Message-----
From: Birding-Aus On Behalf
Brian Everingham
Sent: Monday, 15 September 2014 3:56 PM
Subject: [Birding-Aus] Channel Billed Cuckoo
First sighting in Engadine, southern outskirts of Sydney, on 8th
Second sighting today, 15th, at 3.50pm.
Brian Everingham
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