Thanks, Martin. I'll try to work out the distances next time I walk there.
On 08/06/2014, at 4:10 PM, Martin Butterfield <> wrote:
> Lurking within the "Social Organisation" element of the HANZAB reference to
> this species is a comment about home range "40-80Ha, perhaps as small as
> 20Ha".
> We have a pair which breed and roost in our garden (rural residential area
> outside Queanbeyan) and I have found other birds roosting about 800m from the
> roost site, and suspect our lot have turned up on another property at least
> 300m from the nest tree. If I assume a 500m radius for their territory the
> answer is very close to 80Ha.
> Martin
> Martin Butterfield
> On 8 June 2014 15:29, Sonja Ross <> wrote:
> I "discovered" a third pair of Tawny Frogmouths today along a creek where I
> walk regularly and that made me wonder what size territory they need. I
> think the stretch would be somewhere between 2.5 and 3 k with suburbia on one
> side and a bit of remnant bush on the other. Does anyone have any idea what
> size their territories are?
> Thanks,
> Sonja
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