Just a precautionary note!
Many years ago, I was with other birders camping in the Grampians of
Victoria. As we were about to set up camp, we heard what appeared to be
a Barking Owl, calling repeatedly. It sounded totally convincing to all
of us and we had plenty of experience with Barking Owls elsewhere, so we
were quite excited about finding one in the Grampians.
But after calling for some minutes, it started to gradually morph its
call from the classic "wook-wook" of a Barking Owl into the classic
"Whoo-hoo" of a Powerful. The morphing was quite gradual, so it went
through several stages of intermediacy before settling down into typical
Powerful calls.
We were able to track it down and confirm it visually as a Powerful Owl.
This left a lasting impression on me, as the earlier calls were
completely convincing as a Barking Owl. I never would have thought the
two species could be confused. I ended up realising there is always some
doubt about audio records, even of distinctive birds.
Cheers, Chris.
On 04/30/2014 06:21 PM, Roger McNeill wrote:
Last May I recorded this Ninox at my place in Samford SEQ. I heard it calling while I was making dinner and thought wow that sounds like a Barking Owl...made the recodings and played it for a few local mates. I was politely told, "nice try, but southern boobooks also can sound like that". I get Southern Boobooks most weeks, but never observed or heard them make this type of call before (or since).
Since then however, a Barking Owls has been found about 5 k's away.
The recording is ML 189700 http://macaulaylibrary.org/audio/189700
This recording has now been questioned, rightfully so, by the lads at Cornell
and has been tentatively ID'ed as a female Barking Owl, so I am reaching out
for any feedback. Can Southern Boobooks sound like this?
Roger McNeill
Samford Valley, SEQ
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