G’day Sonja
The "Birds of East Africa" by Stevenson and Fanshawe is the standard guide I
believe. It is not perfect but mostly fine. It is also available as an
iPhone/iPad app. There is another book that covers Kenya and northern Tanzania
but I haven’t seen it. My favourite however is "Birds of Africa South of the
Sahara" by Sinclair and Ryan. It is more up to date than S&F.
I would take S&F on your iphone/ipada and the S&R book.
For Madagascar I’m only aware of “Birds of the Indian Ocean Islands” by
Sinclair and Langrand. I think there was recently a new edition. Mine was
published in 2003. It is a nice small field guide.
Steve Clark
Hamilton, Vic
On 14 Apr 2014, at 8:55 pm, Sonja Ross <> wrote:
> It looks as if we may be having a trip to these countries later this year, so
> I'd be grateful for thoughts on which are the best field guides for them. I
> had a quick look on the net and it didn't seem as if there were good apps
> available, though I'd be happy to be disillusioned about that!
> Thanks,
> Sonja
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