
Black Falcon and other good birds in Lockyer Valley

To: "birding-aus" <>
Subject: Black Falcon and other good birds in Lockyer Valley
From: "Greg Roberts" <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 08:57:34 +1000
Good birds encountered during a foray to the Lockyer Valley west of Brisbane
(other than the Pectoral Sandpiper reported earlier) included Black Falcon,
Plum-headed Finch, Freckled Duck, Hoary-headed Grebe, Australasian Shoveler,
Brown Songlark, Horsfield's Bushlark and Stubble Quail. 


Although Seven-Mile Lagoon was dry, there were good birds here. If anyone
intends to visit Seven-Mile, please let me know as I inadvertently left my
watch behind there (and I know exactly where it is!)


Pictures and more info here:


Greg Roberts

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