$70 though. That's pretty expensive.
James Sansom
Environmental Advisor
From: colin trainor
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2013 9:51 AM
To: To:; Ron Firth; James Sansom; Chris Knuckey
Subject: Video Overview: Pizzey & Knight Digital Edition
Video Overview: Pizzey & Knight Digital Edition
from [Marc
Video Overview: Pizzey & Knight Digital Edition
Marc Anderson <<>>
Thu, 28 Nov 2013 11:41:30 +1100
After using the Pizzey and Knight Digital Edition (PC Windows version - beta)
for a couple of months now, I've put together a video overview so others can
see it in action.
I've divided the video into six parts as follows:
1. Part One - Introduction, Field Guide & Bird Guide
2. Part Two - Comparing Species
3. Part Three - Identification
4. Part Four - Location Lists
5. Part Five - My Lists
6. Part Six - Editing Data. Birding Sites & Habitats. Conclusion
I'm waiting for the Android app version to be released to see how it compares
with the PC version, but if it is anything like the Robert's Multimedia Birds
of South Africa App which was also produced by Gibbon Multimedia, I'm sure it
will be a high quality product.
Apart from contributing some of the habitat sounds to the program, I have no
commercial interests in the PKBA Digital Edition. The video overview/review is
based on my experience using the program and personal viewpoint.
Marc Anderson
Wild Ambience
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