I've been reading the thread. They're discussing the cover photo of September's
Australian Birdlife. Looking at the cover, I can see what they're talking about
- a set of three adjacent feathers repeated three times on its back, another
similar pair of feathers on its "shoulder".
They do look very similar, but I'd like to see them overlaid on each other
before I believe they really are the same.
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> On 11 Oct 2013, at 6:42 pm, "robert morris" <>
> wrote:
> All
> I attended John Young's presentation on Night Parrots in Brisbane which was
> amazing to see. It seemed indisputable and I walked away having witnessed a
> part of birding history.
> However, I have just been alerted by UK birding friends to discussions taking
> place on Birdforum in the UK where there are claiming parts of the photos are
> cloned and they are casting huge doubts over the record.
> Some of it can be found here:
> http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?t=268579 but you have to join bird
> forum to see the the entire thread with all the photo analysis.
> Does anyone know anything about this? Is anyone following the thread and has
> anyone else looked at this or commented on it?
> I'm not trying to caste aversions or dispute John's record but people should
> be aware that the record is being questioned by other birding communities. It
> would be great if someone could set them straight......
> Rob Morris
> Brisbane, Australia
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