Have a look on YouTube for some videos on the various hand held GPS units
you are considering (eg. the Garmin eTrex That way you should be able
to see the features of the various units demonstrated for you.
I currently have a Garmin eTrex Venture HC, but have previously owned a
Magellan eXplorist, both of which allow you to simply mark your current
location and automatically name the waypoint. The generated waypoint name
is visible so you can note that in your recordings. You can also
upload/download waypoints to/from the GPS using the Garmin software
provided. Most units come with worldwide base maps and you can purchase
more detailed versions if you are so inclined.
I am considering selling my Garmin eTrex, so contact me offline if you are
*Neil Shelley*
On 1 October 2013 07:52, Roger McNeill <> wrote:
> All,
> I know this has been raised a few times over the years, so apologies for
> that, but the technology and brands keep changing and it is difficult to
> keep up.
> I need a Handheld GPS to support my vocalisation recordings. The main
> requirements other than the obligatory battery life, ruggedness, light,
> international maps, deep forest satilite acquistion, etc, is the ability to
> input multiple way points and link them to a specific recording.
> Most of the units I see on line seem to have a detailed drill down menu
> but what I am looking for is a compact unit whereby I can quickly enter a
> location, note the 'location reference' in my recording and then weeks
> later when I am back home, download that way point into my computer when I
> am doing my Meta data?
> Up until now I have been doing it after the fact off Google Earth and this
> is getting very old.
> Also, the ability to pre-load waypoints is probably standard, but also
> required. I am a hand held GPS novice, if that is not already evident by
> the questions, so any and all help is appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Roger
> Roger McNeill
> Samford Valley, SEQ
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