Joshua Bergmark posted the following summary of the 2013 paper
on the Feathers and Photos forum:
Put simply:
A. barbatus Grey Grasswren (two subspecies)
A. woodwardi White-throated Grasswren
A. dorotheae Carpentarian Grasswren
A. striatus Striated Grasswren - Mallee birds including those in NSW, Vic
and SA at Gluepot, etc
A. whitei Pilbara Grasswren (split from Striated) - Isolated Pilbara birds
A. oweni Sandhill Grasswren (split from Striated) - Central Australia
(eg: population at Uluru)
A. rowleyi Rusty Grasswren (split from Striated) - Isolated central Qld
A. merrotsyi Short-tailed Grasswren (two subspecies)
A. ballarae Kalkadoon Grasswren
A. purnelli Dusky Grasswren
A. goyderi Eyrean Grasswren
A. housei Black Grasswren
A. textilis Western Grasswren (needs more taxonomic assessment)
A. modestus Thick-billed Grasswren (needs more taxonomic assessment)
Paul Taylor Veni, vidi, tici -
I came, I saw, I ticked.
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