There are other longer term options when the public is denied access to
a pastoral lease for what many would reasonably consider a legitimate
low impact purpose such as bird watching.
Option 1. Direct permission request to the Minister. Under the SA
Pastoral Act it is possible for the Minister to allow access to a
pastoral lease. Perhaps the ornithological societies should be pursuing
this option for their members.
Option 2. Lobby the Minister to declare the access track to the site a
Public Access Route (PAR). There is management system prescribed under
the act to provide precisely for this
Option 3 Lobby to have an area declared a Regional Reserve under the
NPW Act. This would allow for managed access to the area and could
provide for managed camping too
It should be remembered that pastoral lease is not freehold land, it is
crown land and a pastoral lease is issued under the SA Pastoral Act
primarily for the lessee rights to use the land for managed pastoral
purposes. ( see
Access and camping rights is reasonably required for this site only for
an area of about 2 square km extending to no more than about 1 km north
from the main road. Unless the regulations have changed recently it
should be understood that it is legal to walk into a pastoral lease. My
memory of the Act requires that permission must be sought from the
landholder to drive a motor vehicle into the lease area, but not
required for a member of the public to walk into the area on foot
Ian May
John Leonard wrote:
I can understand birders' frustration, especially as you would expect that
the common sense view of of 'everything at your own risk' to apply here.
But surely there must be other sites where the CBWF can be found?
John Leonard
On 23 August 2013 15:09, Bob and Trish <> wrote:
Further to Nick's posting below, I met Ian Lawton, the new owner of Mount
Lyndhurst Station, at his front gate on Wednesday, 21/8. He is working hard
to improve the property and encourage birds. However the situation with
regard access for birders is quite clear. Birders are now not permitted
anywhere on Mount Lyndhurst Station, including the famous Chestnut-breasted
Whiteface rusty-car-site. The reason is simple - the new owners have very
clear legal advice - "to avoid the potential for getting sued if someone
gets injured while on the property - the owner must not give permission".
The owner was happy for me to post such information.
This is what I was told; legal experts may like to offer advice as to
options (eg there are currently University visitors on site "as they have
their own liability insurance"). To me, it seems access to some key sites
in Oz is developing into a major problem. I recall the following being
discussed on birding-aus - no access:
. APY lands to see Princess Parrots
. Price Saltfields in SA and now
. Chestnut-breasted Whiteface rusty-car-site
On a positive note, Mount Lyndhurst Station has received "5ins" of rain in
the last few months - the countryside looks much better that when I saw it
in severe drought a few years ago and hopefully the Chestnut-breasted
Whiteface are doing well.
Bob Sothman
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Nick
Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2013 11:13 AM
To: Birding-aus
Subject: [Birding-Aus] Mount Lyndhurst Station Contact Details
Hi All,
I am not sure whether there has been a post on this already in 2013, but a
quick search of the archives didn't find anything so I thought I should
provide an update.
I visited Mt Lyndhurst Station on 16/17 Jul and prior to arriving used the
most recent contact details I could find (0417 824 879 or 08 8757 4061)
which got me through to 'Bill'. He said he was no longer the contact person
for access and gave me a new phone number, 08 8675 7796. This number got me
through to the actual station and Ian Lawton, who along with Paul Cleland
one of the station owners. I am not sure of the complete background, but
made it clear he was not happy about previous access arrangements. However,
he did grant me permission to access the property and also to camp (I
near the rusty car). Ian stressed that it was a working pastoral station,
and that he couldn't have birders just wandering around the property. He
said he was happy to grant access, and also happy for me to provide these
new contact details on birding-aus, but would like birders to contact the
station prior to arrival, preferably providing 2 weeks notice.
Reading between the lines, it would seem that as a community we birders
some 'fences to mend' with this relationship, so please ensure that we or
anyone we know who is visiting the area contacts the station before
attempting to access the two sites on Mount Lyndhurst - permission should
not be assumed, in spite of the site's popularity.
Regards and good birding!
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