I used Safari and it worked well. Much easier for a Monkey than a Mongoose!!
On 23/08/2013, at 3:02 PM, Chris Ross <> wrote:
> I was getting reasonably good scores, but it froze at the end and did not
> report an average.
> At the bottom of the page it reports it works best in some browsers including
> Firefox (but not IE)so users of other browsers may be seeing compatibility
> issues.
> With Firefox, it certainly will put a frame around the nightjar if you don't
> find it in time and also places a tick over the bird when you click on it, so
> it is aware of where the bird is when you click and will respond with a red X
> if you click in the wrong spot. If you are a mongoose, the images are de
> saturated to mimic dichromatic vision, which is explained don the home page.
> regards,
> Chris Ross
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Andy Burton
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