Hi -
The 17 vol Handbook to the birds of the World comprising c.15 million words,
20,617 bird figures, 10,200 maps, c.100,000 bibliographical references is now
being updated and is available online from last week:
If anyone who has publications, photos, videos or other knowledge you think
missing from the book series, it might be worth making it available to
Check the Promotion video and brochure on this page:
Some useful discussion on Birdforum - I've stolen two quotes there from Richard
Klim the start of the updates:
"Incidentally, with further use, I must say that I'm hugely impressed by
many of the species updates. Guy Kirwan's updates in particular have
completely transformed some of the earlier accounts. The Update History
version comparison for (eg) White-headed Duck dramatically illustrates
how much detail has been added, including numerous additional
references. It's clear that owners of the printed volumes will greatly
benefit from subscribing..."
"Another extremely impressive example is the species account update (yesterday)
for Black-browed Albatross...1992 (HBW 1): account text = 571 words,
bibliography = 40 references
2013 (HBW Alive): account text = 4,454 words (+680%), bibliography = 217
references (+440%)A graphic illustration of the possibilities for much greater
when freed from the physical size (and cost) limitations of a printed
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