Mike and others,
Ruth and I have spent most of the day at Tortoise Head, but no luck. Tortoise
Head is a wonderful place and we've had no shortage of Black-shouldered Kites,
Nankeen Kestrels, Wedge-tailed Eagles and White-bellied Sea Eagles. There were
a few waders - RM Stints, RC Plovers and a pair of Double-banded Plovers. A
lovely day but we were ultimately defeated by rain and mosquitos!
Paul Dodd
Docklands, Victoria
Sent from my iPhone
On 07/07/2013, at 10:45 AM, "Mike Carter" <> wrote:
> Around midday yesterday an Eastern Grass Owl was watched quartering over the
> tussock grassland on Tortoise Head, French Island, which is in Westernport
> Bay, Victoria, by Ken Harris and his survey team. For more information phone
> Chris Chandler on 0407 705450.
> Mike Carter
> 30 Canadian Bay Road
> Mount Eliza VIC 3930
> Tel (03) 9787 7136
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