Published sightings for the week ending 9 Jun 2013.
Sun 9 Jun
Black-necked Stork
Lot 100 Selection Lane Waterview Heights nsw 2460
This morning a pair arrived at our Dam for an hour.
Michael&Elizabeth Considine
Beach Stone-Curlew
Evans Head NSW
Spotted this fellow out on a sand flat
Wayne Day
White-bellied Sea Eagle
Centennial Parklands
Single bird flew from Centennial Park into Moore Park this afternoon.
Eric Finley
Noisy Pitta
Irrawong Reserve
The Noisy Pitta made a rare but welcome appearance again today. It skulks in the scrub of palms on the southside of the last boardwalk (just beyond the end of Irrawong Road).
Peter Diegutis
White-necked Heron
2 White-necked Herons circling over brick pit stadium at 10.40 am
Tom Wilson
Sat 8 Jun
Freckled Duck, Pink-eared Duck
West Byron Sewage Treatment Plant
Freckled Duck (6 - flock of five plus a single) and a lone Pink-eared Duck in the company of Hardheads.
Hans Wohlmuth
Sat 8 Jun
Freckled Duck, Swamp Harrier, Brolga, Eastern Rosella, Red-capped Plover
Gwydir Watercourse Wetlands
Today, we had an excellent day with 108 species (considering in winter)! Highlights were the Budgerigars which were around (which have been all over the area for a while), 3 Jacky Winters, a sub-adult male Black-necked Stork resting on the bank of a farm channel on roadside (surprisingly none seen at the wetlands), Hundreds of all 4 species of Cormorants (which aren't usually seen out here), 4 Superb Parrots (1 male, 3 females), Restless Flycatchers in large numbers, only 5 Brolgas seen at one wetland, Little Grassbirds, 40+ Freckled Ducks, 2 Swamp Harriers, a Brown Treecreeper, tens of Red capped Plovers (not seen in the area), 1 Horsfield's Bushlark, 30+ Australasian Shovelers, 2 Eastern Rosellas (in very dry country - farthest east I've ever seen), 2 early or late Sacred Kingfishers (in winter). The full list is available.
Curtis Hayne
Sat 8 Jun
Antarctic Prion
Sydney Pelagic Trip
The only unusual species recorded on the Sydney pelagic trip was at least one Antarctic Prion among the good numbers of Fairy Prions. Five albatross species and both giant-petrels were amongst the 19 species recorded for the day.
Roger McGovern and all on the Halicat
Powerful Owl
Irrawong Reserve
Powerful Owl – Irrawong Reserve between the bridge and the boardwalk on the left closer to the boardwalk.
Coleen Southall and members of Birding NSW per Rae Lister
Barking Owl
Warriewood Wetlands
Barking Owl – Warriewood Wetlands close to the entrance after the boardwalk veers left and the owl two trees back on the right.
Coleen Southall and members of Birding NSW per Rae Lister
Spotted Harriers, Peregrine Falcon
Castlereagh NSW
Another average, mundane, outing this morning in my backyard. I saw both adult Spotted Harriers hunting in the same paddock near Church Lane, two Whistling Kites near Cranebrook Road lakes, an adult Peregrine Falcon (excuse poor image, it was high), several Black-shouldered Kites (one caught a mouse) and three Nankeen Kestrels.
Ákos Lumnitzer
Superb Parrot (likely escapee)
Sheldon Forest and Rofe Park
Single male Superb Parrot in good condition seen drinking from outdoor bird bath. I have seen him once before around here long ago (12/18/2009; Eremaea Birdline NSW #53646), presumed to be an escapee, could it be the same bird surviving all this time? (Moderator's note (NH): I would still presume that this bird is an escapee. However, the current influx of inland species to the coast could indicate that this bird is a genuine wild Superb Parrot. We have to keep our eyes and ears open for more records of this species to be able to decide on its status. In the meantime I would log it as an escapee. And yes, under favourable conditions (good food source; bird feeder) an escaped Superb Parrot could survive that long.)
Margaret Hall
Fri 7 Jun
Swift Parrot, Gang-gang Cockatoo, Spotted Quail-thrush
Cessnock/Kurri Kurri
Enjoyed a great day birding several of the woodland areas in the Cessnock region today. I found one Swift Parrot at Werakata State Conservation Area near Pelton, but the highlight here for me was a party of about 15 Gang-gang Cockatoos feeding quietly and allowing close approach. Honeyeaters were plentiful throughout the region with Yellow-tufted, White-cheeked, White-naped, Black-chinned and Scarlet amongst others. A pair of Rose Robins south of Kurri was a nice winter record along with Spotted Quail-thrush.
Nick Leseberg
Pacific Gull, immature
Cape Solander, Botany Bay National Park, Kurnell
One immature Pacific Gull sighted in flight along the cliff line
Greg Smith
Pacific Gull
Moruya Heads
A juvenile Pacific Gull was sitting on sand bank near boat ramp.
Tony & Stephanie Dawe
Brahminy Kite
Blacksmiths, Lake Macquarie
One Brahminy Kite at the Swansea channel near Blacksmiths at 08:30
Rebecca Citroni
Collared Sparrowhawk
An adult hunting in my yard at 2:30 is the 11th species of raptor I've seen in Milperra since Monday. (Moderator's note (NH): The question is if the observer included Nankeen Parrot, Peregrine Parrot, Australian Hobbit and relatives in his raptor list ;-)
David James
Little Eagle
Light morph bird soaring over my yard near the former Riverlands Golf Course
David James
Spotted Harrier
Vale of Ah Reserve, Milperra
Single adult being harrased by Australian Ravens 2nd sighting this week, perhaps the same individual?
David James
Thu 6 Jun
Freckled Duck
Edgells Lane Wetland, Bathurst
Overcast, cool (temp abt 8degC), some distant mist. Most birds on ponds & associated edges/islands; some in adjacent fields.
Freckled Duck (7); associated with 6 other duck species (Pacific Blacks 6, Grey Teals 12, Pink-eareds 27, Aust Shovelers 4, White-eyed 1, and Blue-billed 2; also Red-kneed & Black-frontd Dotterels, over 200 Straw-necked Ibis, 3 A/Pelicans, 3 Pied Stilts, and assorted land birds.
Colin T. Richardson
Thu 6 Jun
Yellow-billed Spoonbill, Royal Spoonbill
Brotherson's Swamp, Coutts Crossing
2 Yellow-billed Spoonbills with 22 Royal Spoonbills. One perched in tree, second foraging with Royals. Haven't been recorded at this site for some time (? since drought years)
Greg Clancy
Black Kite
Clarence Regional Waste Depot, South Grafton
100+ Kites perched in trees, on power poles and rooves and in flight over rubbish tip. 70+ in view at one time with others coming and going. Worker at facility stated that the recent irruption was the first time in 8 years of working there that he has seen the species.
Greg and Val Clancy
Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo
Bourke 10' Cell
Flock of 300+ seen in a small paddock at the front of the abandoned Bourke meat works east of town on the Mitchell Hwy.
Ivor Preston & Karen Doyle
Wed 5 Jun
Freckled Duck
Eastlakes Golf Course
5 present now, the single bird has joined the flock of 4. Nearby 2 Brown Goshawks and a Grey Fantail also seen, the 5 Freckled Ducks were still present on 6.6.13.
David Mitford
Swift Parrots
Kurr Kurri Woodland, Hunter Valley
26 Swift Parrots seen, 4 feeding in Spotted Gum blossom, flocks of 14 and 8 flew over. Small numbers in area for last 2 weeks.
Steve Roderick
Tue 4 Jun
Rufous Whistler, Restless Flycatcher, Painted Buttonquail
Heyson Street, North Kempsey
An over-wintering or late departing Rufous Whistler, a Restless Flycatcher and a Painted Buttonquail were present on private property.
Tim Morris
Mon 3 Jun
Gull-billed Tern, Long-billed Corella
sandbar in Macleay River, Jerseyville
On a sandbar at low tide on the Macleay River at Jerseyville there was a flock of 30 Gull-billed Terns. This is an unusually high number for the site. Also present were 5 Long-billed Corellas feeding on the same sandbar/mudflat. As to what they were feeding on was not known, they are rare in the Macleay Valley.
Ken Shingleton per Alan Morris
Gibraltar Station, Mole River Road, west of Tenterfield
A large flock of approximately 500 birds was observed feeding in a recently ploughed paddock adjacent to the river. A species that is rare in the local area.
David Charley
Pacific Baza
Sheldon Forest and Rofe Park, Pymble
I heard the call and immediately spotted flying over. We have seen them in this area occasionally over several years, Blue Gum Forest. One only seen.
Margaret Hall
Wedge-tailed Eagle
Smeaton Grange, near Narellan
Stoked to see a Wedge-tailed Eagle cruise over Magdalene Catholic High School's grounds this arvo at about 3:15pm. The Yr 12 students I pointed it out to were impressed! That's the first time in three and a half years I've seen this species over my workplace.
Lorne Johnson
Common Diving-Petrel, Buller's Albatross, Wandering-type Albatross
north head manly.
Highlights from a sea watch of North Head this afternoon was 1 Common Diving-Petrel, 1 Buller's Albatross and 1 Wandering-type Albatross. This is only my second Wandering-type Albatross this year also very few Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross.
michael ronan.
Swamp Harrier, Grey Goshawk
Deepwater Park, Milperra
Swamp Harrier soaring over, Grey Goshawk perch-hunting at the abandoned market gardens. Also a male Rose Robin and an Azure Kingfisher.
David James
Hoary-headed Grebe, Australasian Grebe, Little Black Cormorant
Lane Cove National Park (Sugarloaf Point)
Surprised to see 14 Hoary-headed Grebes on the river with 2 Australasian Grebes. Also 100+ Little Black Cormorants were hunting together.
Fatih Sam
Singing Honeyeater
single bird at bird feeder in backyard until chased by Red Wattlebird.
Neville Schrader
Whistling Kite, Australian Hobby
One Whistling Kite and two Australian Hobbies soaring over my yard adjacent to the former Riverlands Golf Course
David James
Spotted Harrier
Vale of Ah Reserve, Milperra
Single adult hawking over fields
David James
Sun 2 Jun
Pacific Baza
Coutts Crossing village
One adult foraging in eucalypts/corymbias being mobbed by Blue-faced Honeyeaters and Noisy Miners.
Greg Clancy
Pacific Gull
Lake Illawarra estuary at Windang
Juvenile Plumage Pacific Gull at Lake Illawarra estuary. Strong southerly and wild seas
Martin Cocker Illawarra Birders
White-headed Pigeon
Kurrajong Hills and area
3 White-headed Pigeons on power lines on Bells Line of Road, my first locally in a few months. Also a Spotted Harrier at The Driftway in Richmond and White-necked Herons in several locations between Richmond and Marsden Park.
Eric Finley
Sat 1 Jun
Grey Goshawk (white morph)
Lenaghans Drive, Lenaghan
One white morph Grey Goshawk seen in a tree from a far distance (through lenses and binoculars). Have not seen this species reported yet at this site.
Rebecca Citroni
Fri 31 May
Little Eagle
Gliding in circles above George's River/Salt Pan Creek
Very surprised to see light morph Little Eagle this far east.
Dave Koffel
Thu 30 May
Wedge-tailed eagle
Oxley dr., Mittagong
Pair circling over lower slopes of Mt Gibralter
Terry Dunlea
Tue 14 May
White-bellied Sea-Eagle
Sturt Highway, 15 km E Hay, 34d 30m S 145d 0m E
One immature White-bellied Sea-Eagle, in transition plumage, soaring from low to moderate height on first thermals of morning w one Wedge-tailed Eagle and kites.
Julian Reid