Hi all
I went to Pitt Town Lagoon this morning (8:10-11am) in search of the
Freckled Ducks reported on Eremaea over the last two weekends. However, by
a stroke of luck, I also saw an Australasian Bittern.
I saw the Bittern seen very well three times between 8:30-10:45. 1st time
approx 8:40 when I was standing on the mound at the northern end - it was
being harassed by Whistling Kite as it flew across lagoon from the Golf
Course towards town (east) side of Lagoon, where it dropped into one of the
typha reed beds with a honking protest; 2nd - when I walked down the east
side and it flushed from these reeds and flew back across the front of the
lagoon to the most northerly reedy (ie no trees) island; 3rd - about 10:40
when it headed back from that island towards the golf course. 2 great views
and 1 OKish - certainly no longer marked "Would like to see better" on my
life list!
I also found the Freckled Duck - 4 were loafing on one of the centre islands
including 1 bird showing red at base of bill. I think that a telescope would
be necessary to pick the birds out as they were a long way off.
Also seen at Pitt Town Lagoon 2 Swamp Harriers, 2 Sea Eagles, a Peregrine, 5
Whistling Kites, lots of Reed Warblers and Little Grassbirds, at least 4
Australasian Shoveler, 40+ Pink-eared Ducks, several Restless Flycatchers (1
having a serious go at a Sea Eagle), 2 Chestnut-breasted Mannikin, several
of both Red-kneed and Black-fronted Dotterel, and a very busy party of
Yellow-rumped Thornbills. I think I heard a (late) White-winged Triller too
but I couldn't track it down.
Perhaps not surprisingly, work this afternoon seemed rather mundane!
Tom Wilson
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