I got one in November, just before a trip to Peru, and have managed to get
some good record shots and a few much better bird pictures there and at
home. The great advance with this hybrid camera is the quality of the
electronic viewfinder (as well as the lens, obviously). I only use the
screen on the back of the camera for reviewing pictures (and it can be
turned round when not in use).
The down side is that there is no effective manual focus. But, for me, as
a package for the field, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages compared
with the bulk of an SLR (especially one with an equivalent lens).
Kevin Stracey
On 30 March 2013 14:11, Carl Clifford <> wrote:
> Has anyone on the list had any experience with a Panasonic DMC-FZ200 for
> birding? With a Leica lens that is the equivalent to a 25-600mm at a
> constant f:2.8, it looks like a handy camera to carry in the field. The
> review on is pretty good.
> Carl Clifford
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