A disturbing report. I was involved in the duck rescue campaign in the mid 90's
and experienced the carnage at close range. We concentrated on retrieving
injured birds but also spent time searching for dead protected species. The
hunters were aware of the public scrutiny of course and would attempt to hide
the evidence. Sometimes bags of birds were found tied to rocks and sunk below
the water surface but many more in hollow trees- in one old Redgum stump I
pulled out 5 Freckled Duck, 1 Coot and 1 Black Swan.Opening morning is a
surreal and frightening event. I was shot at, assaulted and abused, and on two
occassions arrested for 'being on a wetland without a gun' (Bool Lagoon SA)
Only hope that if this report is correct it will have some impact politically.
I think the majority of general public have long since regarded this custom as
barbaric and unnecessary. Hard to believe it continues.
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