Birdline Western Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 10 Mar 2013.
Thu 7 Mar
Eurasian Wigeon
Chinamans Pool, Carnarvon, Western Australia
Passing on a report that Brian Huggett and son Richard successfully photographed the Wigeon this Thursday morning. Congratulations to Les George for finding this first record for Australia.
Jeff Davies
Eurasian Wigeon
Chinamans Pool, Carnarvon , Western Australia
Les George has photographed a duck at Chinamans Pool, Carnarvon which he thinks may be a male Eurasian Wigeon. (TD)
Les George per John Graff
Wed 6 Mar
Banded Stilt
Vasse Wonnerup Estuary, Western Australia
An estimated 25,000 Banded Stilts present throughout the estuary, a spectacle to be seen!!!
Brendan Cook
Mon 4 Mar
Red-eared Firetail, Square-tailed Kite
Victoria Dam, Western Australia
After a afternoon and morning session at the dam finally was able to locate the key species. Red-eared Fire-tail (1), Western Thornbill (8), Red-capped Parrot (6), Western Rosella, Western Spinebill and Western Wattlebird abundant along the access track. Many White-breasted Robins down in the picnic area along with Splendid and Red-winged Fairywrens.
Brendan Cook
Fri 1 Mar
Franlkin's Gull
Cervantes, Western Australia
A dark-hooded gull that has been hanging around Cervantes [200 km north of Perth) for the past 6-8 weeks. (TD)
Per John Graff
Mon 25 Feb
Finch and waterbird bonanza!!!
King River Road, Wyndham WA, Western Australia
The drive along King River Rd is alive with bird actviity. The salt-flats adjacent to the airfield are full of water and waterbirds including 1000s Black-winged Stilts, many Marsh and Wood Sandpiper, Red-plovers, Glossy Ibis and many more. The Woodland about 10km down the road were alive with finches (Longtails, Masked, Zebras, Double-bars, Star) also present were Budgerigars, Spinnifex Pigeon, Bar-breasted Honeyeaters. Dozens of White-quilled Rock Pigeon at the escarpment near Moochalabra Dam. Hours of searching for Gouldian Finches was unsuccessful, even throughout nest recovery site. Artificial nest boxes proving valuable habit for many species but not Gouldians.
Brendan Cook
Yellow-rumped Mannikin & Black-tailed Native Hen
Kununurra, Western Australia
Great birding to be had around Kununurra through the wet season. Yellow-rumped Mannikin in large flocks(10-30) throughout the seeding grass along the irrigation channels. Many Crimson Finch around Lilly Lagoon, White-quilled Rock Pigeon in Hidden Valley Nature Reserve, waterfowl in huge numbers at every waterhole including Black-tailed Native Hen at the sewer works.
Brendan Cook
Pictorella Mannikin, Spotted Nightjar & Sandstone Shrike-thrush
Golden Gate Drive at 15 59 11S 128 56 38E, Western Australia
A quick trip down Golden Gate Drive produced many good observations. Within the woodland along the start of the track many Black-tailed Treecreepers calling loudly and easy to locate. Continuing down the track finches were abundant at every pool of water, species comprised mostly of Masked and Longtails. At around 6km from Lake Argile where the escarpment is quite close to the track a small flock of Pictorella Mannikins bathing in a puddle. Other notable species observed in the area were Spotted Nightjar, Sandstone Shrike-thrush, Northern Rosella and Spinifex Pigeon.
Brendan Cook
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