Published sightings for the week ending 3 Mar 2013.
Sun 3 Mar
Streaked Shearwater, White-necked Petrel, Shy & Black- browed Albatross.
North Head, Manly.
Another fairly good day at North Head today with 3 Streaked Shearwaters all traveling south in very close.and 2 White-necked Petrels also heading south . Also seen 3 Shy Albatross and 5 Black- browed Albatross, and 5 Long-tailed Jaegers.
michael ronan
Masked Booby, Black Noddy, White-necked Petrel, Sooty Tern, Streaked Shearwater and Shy Albatross
Mistral Point, Maroubra
Another astonishing day. A Masked Booby flew past with an Australasian Gannet, providing a sublime opportunity for comparison!!! We also were lucky enough to see a Black Noddy, a juvenile Sooty Tern, 1-2 White-necked Petrels, a Streaked Shearwater, 6 Long-tailed Jaegers, 4 Arctic Jaegers, 12 Pomarine Jaegers, a Caspian Tern, a Shy Albatross and hundreds of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters. Masked Booby was another new one for me at Maroubra and I have attached a photo.
David Mitford, Paul Johnstone, Graham Buchan and Ray Gobbe
Buff-rumped Thornbill
Old Argyle Road, Bundanoon
At least 15 Buff-rumped Thornbills in open forest along Old Argyle Road - the most I've seen in Bundy. They were foraging on the ground, in the understorey and midstorey. A couple of birds perched sideways on trees like Eastern Yellow Robins - I've never seen them do this before.
Lorne Johnson
Pacific Golden Plover
Hen and Chicken Bay, Paramatta River (Wareemba/Abbotsford)
Since my report of a single PGP on 4th Feb, I have found a single one
several times since - so took another photo of it today at about 1750. When nearby Godwits all flew off, this bird remained almost alone in the water's edge - there were just two Common Starlings on the sand behind it. Seems risky behaviour, although I have never seen any raptors over this beach.
Barrie Ayres
Plumed Whistling-duck
Edgell's Wetland
Heard a flock of Whistling-ducks flying down the Macquarie River last night and caught up with them (26 birds) this morning on the wetland. Also observed here today were Wood Ducks, Hardheads, Pacific Black Ducks, Grey and Chestnut Teals, Australasian Shovelers, Pink-eared Ducks, Australasian and Hoary-headed Grebes, Darter, Little Black Cormorant, Australian White Ibis, Yellow-billed and Royal Spoonbills, Eurasian Coots, Red-kneed & Black-fronted Dotterels and Silver Gulls.
Tiffany Mason
Double-barred Finch
Boat Rock Reserve, Savernake
Double-barred Finch (2) quite surprised to find here, very unexpected. One bird seen perched on a dead branch in the early morning sun, another heard. Closest populations are to the east around Albury or to the north near Griffith.
Michael Ramsey
Sat 2 Mar
White-headed Pigeon
Single bird flying over Parramatta Rd in rainstorm. Don't recall ever seeing this species in the inner west.
Eric Finley
Kermadec Petrel, Black-browed and Shy Albatrosses.
Mistral Point, Maroubra
A dark morph Kermadec Petrel was well seen, flying south at 5:40 pm today. (My first ever at Maroubra) Also 2 Shy Albatross, 2 Black-browed Albatross, 4 Long-tailed Jaeger, 22 Flesh-footed Shearwater, a flock of 9 Common Terns, 2 Caspian Terns (March is the best month for this giant tern) and about 75 Short-tailed Shearwaters were seen. [Moderator's note (NH): Fantastic! March is not only the best month for the giant tern, March/April are also the best months for Kermadec Petrels off NSW]
David Mitford
Masked Booby, White-necked Petrel, Shy Albatross, Black-browed Albatross, Long-tailed Jaeger
north head manly.
Got great views of an adult Masked Booby today it just about flew over my head than flew back out to sea and sat on the water preening for some time. Other good birds for the day were 1 White-necked Petrel, 3 Shy Albatross, 4 Black-browed Albatross and 8 Long-tailed Jaegers. There were also large numbers of Flesh-footed Shearwaters. [Moderator's note (NH): An adult Masked Booby was reported during a seawatch from Newcastle 30th Jan 2013 by Robert McDonald (#164225). It would be interesting to get a subspecific identification of these birds.]
michael ronan
Light phase adult Pomarine Jaeger
Lake Illawarra estuary Southern Side
A cold wet morning in early March with near on gale force winds a Light phase adult Pomarine Jaeger came in on the wind seeking shelter or a rest, unusual sighting for me especially on the beach. I was over the beach to check if the Double-banded Plovers had started to arrive and yes so far 3. The Red-necked Stints are still around with the Red-capped Plovers but not much around in the heavy conditions.
Charles Dove
Great-winged Petrel, Black Noddy, Pomarine Jaegers
Fort Drive, Nobby's (Newcastle)
A reasonably productive seawatch this afternoon off Fort Drive. Had good views of a Great-winged Petrel for a little while (bill and pale face visible) and suspected there may have been one or two others but cannot confirm. Hundreds of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters in close and a feeding flock of about 300 at the heads on the edge of the freshwater pouring out after the rains. A Black Noddy was also seen patrolling the white-water off Groper Rock (note: one was also seen off Nobby's Breakwall and then later at Fort Drive on Thursday). A single Fluttering-type and Short-taled Shearwater as well. Many jaegers, all Pomarine Jaegers that could be confirmed. Easily 20+ incl. a group of 6 birds flying together.
Mick Roderick
Spangled Drongo
Manly Lagoon
One bird has been feeding on stink bugs in a tree at eye level in my backyard pretty much all day. Looks very scrappy, I assume he has just arrived back in Sydney for the winter.
Joshua Bergmark
Fri 1 Mar
Great-winged Petrel and Shy Albatross
Mistral Point, Maroubra
A Great-winged Petrel was the highlight today. I have never seen a definite gouldii from land-ever, so was this an early macroptera? A Shy Albatross, 1 Black-browed Albatross and two Long-tailed Jaegers were also noted. [Moderator's note (NH): There are still lots of gouldii at the shelf-break at this time of the year. Why shouldn't one of them get blown in? Also, to my knowledge this date is too early for macroptera. Having said that, the situation of macroptera in NSW waters is a bit blurry. Blurred by mis-identified juvenile gouldii. My personal sightings of 'good candidates' for macroptera are June/July and October. It would be nice to have some measurements of these birds to get a better idea.]
David Mitford
Rose Robin
Border Loop Lookout, Lions Road, Cougal
A single male Rose Robin was observed. It was also calling frequently. Seen in wet sclerophyll forest. My first record for the season.
David Charley
Black Bittern
Brunswick River, Mullumbimby
3 individuals. Good views of 1 adult, probably male (very overcast weather could possible make a female look darker above the head). Distinguished from juv. striated heron by very prominant broad pale streak on side of neck and very clear black and white streaks underneath. 1 probably juvenile. Not as good views but greenish tinge to beak and legs. Seen from canoe in riverside trees.
Jamie Alastair Ford
Frigatebird spec.
Port Hacking
A frigatebird appearing all black to the unaided eye was seen late this afternoon from Hordens Beach, Bundeena, flying high into Port Hacking. [Moderator's note (NH): This bird was initially reported as a Lesser Frigatebird. While I agree that this species is the likely one at this location, the sighting conditions did not allow the identification down to species level.]
Bruce Roubin
Thu 28 Feb
Red-rumped Parrot
A male Red-rumped Parrot on the western side of Mort Bay park this evening. Headed off eastwards across the park. (Note to moderators: By the way it dealt with the attention of a Noisy Miner and its strong undulating flight, parrot did not appear to be an aviary escape.)
Robert Griffin
Plum-headed Finch
Eulah Creek, 20 km east of Narrabri 2390
I have heard Plum-headed Finches in the area for a few weeks, but only now have managed a photo for ID (male on the right). They are presumably staying in reeds around local dams, but go into grassland to forage for seeds. So far I have not seen more than 12 at a time, but there should be a larger flock around (have seen more than 100 here in 2008/09).
Michael Dahlem
Double-banded Plover, Pacific Golden Plover, Ruddy Turnstone
Pelican Pt, Norah Head, part of Wyrrabalong NP
At high tide today 5 Double-banded Plovers were with 10 Red-capped Plovers, 7 Pacific Golden Plover, 5 Ruddy Turnstone, 41 Red-necked Stint, 2 Curlew Sandpipers, 2 Pied Oystercatcher, 2 Great Cormorant, 1 Little Pied Cormorant, 22 Crested Terns, 7 Little Terns a a few Silver Gulls on the reefs.
Alan Morris
Wed 27 Feb
Streaked Shearwater
Mistral Point, Maroubra
One bird flying north with moderate numbers of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters.
David Mitford
Beach Stone-curlew, Double-banded Plover, Arctic Jaeger
Shoalhaven Heads
Walked from Toilet block to back bay and up onto sand bar. Incoming tide. Overcast conditions.
Beach Stone-curlew (1) One bird observed in grass on bank across the water opposite the toilet block.
Double-banded Plover - Four birds observed on sand bar.
Arctic Jaeger (1) Bird flew in harassed a couple of Crested Terns and landed on the mud flats.
Duade Paton
Ruddy Turnstone, Hooded Plover, Double-banded Plover
Beach at Kioloa
4-6 Ruddy Turnstones were seen at rocky headland at 5pm approx. Also, 12 Sooty Oystercatchers, 6 Hooded Plovers, 1 Immature White-bellied Sea-eagle and 1 Double-banded Plover. Wind and light rain at the time.
Carla Jackett, Nicole Ison and 3 others.
possible Eastern Barn Owl
St. Peters, Sydney
1 bird in a large eucalypt. Was seen the night before at sunset in the same tree and then this morning at a time between 6:30am and 7am. Described as 'White owl with some brown on the wings, rounded face and small beak, overall not much bigger than 30cm from head to toe. Face had dark around the edges forming a mask.' I have asked Jack to try to photograph the bird for me if he sees it again to confirm this bird's ID, but from what he has told me, I see no other real option for its ID.
Jack Okeby via Simon Gorta
Tue 26 Feb
Glossy Black-Cockatoo
Hyland Park NSW
Three Glossy Black-Cockatoos observed in forest trees in Sanctuary Place.
Peter Mackey
White-throated Needletail, Channel-billed Cuckoo
30+ birds seen flying around at northern end of town about 9am. Possibly more but only partial views while driving past. Channel-billed Cuckoo heard heading NE over house yard at Bellawonagarah at 7:30am.
Carla Jackett
Leard State Forest, Boggabri
Flock of approx. 15 Budgerigars flying through over the canopy.
Allan Richardson
Spotted Harrier
Tuggerah, Central Coast Wetlands
Pale grey colour, black underwing tips and shape were diagnostic when separating it from a Swamp Harrier.
Mikie Kuhl
Mon 25 Feb
Pomarine Jaeger, Frigatebird Sp.
Tacking Point Lighthouse, Port Macquarie
About 8.30am on 25/2 there was a heavy rain and wind squall while I was at the Lighthouse - a pair of Crested Terns flew from the Lighthouse beach across the headland and were suddenly attacked by a pair of Pomarine Jaegers. There was a bit of dodging and weaving which provided good views of the terns and attackers. A few minutes later a Frigatebird flew low over the waves in a Northerly direction around the point but unable to say definitely as to what type.
Adrian Dick.
Pomarine Jaeger, Freckled Duck, Glossy Ibis, Red-kneed Dotterel
Dairy Swamp, Central Coast Wetlands, Tuggerah. Limited access
Another organised visit to this wetland and we were welcomed by the sight of a juvenile/1st winter Pomarine Jaeger swimming slowly on the freshwater wetland, being about 7.25km in a direct line to the sea (SSE). The bird remained on the surface of the wetland for the full time of our visit 900-10.30 hrs. Also present were 10 Freckled Duck, 13 Glossy Ibis, 26 Black Swans, 2 Royal Spoonbill, 3 Red-kneed Dotterels, 2 Black-fronted Dotterels, the usual ducks, cormorants, Australasian Darters & Australian Pelicans and Masked Lapwings but also 3 Whistling Kites, 1 Grey Goshawk, 1 Black-shouldered Kite, 1 Peregrine Falcon & a Swamp Harrier.
Alan Morris, Carol Abbott (photo) and 4 other members CCGBNSW
Channel-billed Cuckoo
147 Levenstrath Rd Levenstrath nr Grafton 2460
Single bird flew into tree adjacent to house. Numbers appear down this season. Moderator's note (NH): This observation coincides with the departure of this species.
Warren Thompson
White-bellied Sea-Eagle
Sydney CBD
A White-bellied Sea-Eagle was seen soaring just above the highest buildings in the CBD. As it headed west one of the local Peregrines appeared and started harassing it. Only the second time I have seen one in the CBD. Moderator's note (NH): Interestingly I saw an adult White-bellied Sea-Eagle at the CBD side of Harbour Bridge 19th February.
Murray Lord
Sun 24 Feb
Arctic Jaeger
Shoalhaven Heads
This bird was found in the second bay from carpark. It could be the same Arctic Jaeger as Carla found. White rump visible in flight, light area behind dark face, white near wing tips, and white belly.
Andrew Walker
Gang-Gang Cockatoo
Kangaloon Rd, Bowral
At least 12 Gang-Gang Cockatoos feeding in cotoneaster bushes on the road side near Sproules Lane.
Terry Dunlea, Jann Mattick
White-throated Needletail
Longbeach Batemans bay
Around about 80-100 White-throated Needletails dropping down to approx 20 meters to the ground calling & feeding too fast to photograph.
Tony & Stephanie Dawe
Fri 22 Feb
Australian Hobby
Thanks to all the Noisy Miners going into alarm, I was outside in time to see an Australian Hobby over College St Balmain, near Mort Bay. Had seen one here about this time a couple of years ago.
Robert Griffin
Wed 20 Feb
Common Myna
North of Jerilderie
Two birds (together) approximately 2.5km north of Jerilderie near the Newell Highway camera gantry. This is the first time I have seen them in this spot.
David Parker