I enquired quite some while ago about anyone's experience with this
camera, and alternatives.
Some positive responses, and some maybe still to make a final decision.
I finally bit the bullet, and have just purchased it. I am heading
overseas next week to Cameroon (I hope we don't get kidnapped .... as
happened recently to some people ....), and so I will try it out.
I don't expect to get photos of Geoff Jones' fantastic quality
(wonderful images of Iron Range). I made the decision that a digital
compact camera with 50x optical zoom with image stabilisation is
probably better than trying to digiscope, which I have tried and I am
very unsuccessful at. So I will see how I go.
Some points about purchasing equipment online. I did a search for
retailers, and found some with prices a lot cheaper than
others. Rule #1. Google the company and look for reviews. If you
can't find reviews, or the reviews are mixed (e.g. a delay in
delivery), then contact the company first with your concerns. Rule
#2. The cheaper prices are not always what they seem. Some don't
include GST (not a concern for me, as if it did as in my case then I
will claim it back when I leave). Some have packages such as a
protective case, or a second battery, or memory cards, , ..... Rule
#3. Check whether the company is based in Australia. Rule
#4. Leave your decision for a while (say a month). You can decide
whether you really want the camera, and whether the retailer is the
most suitable. I did save $100+ buying it online.
Frank O'Connor Birding WA http://birdingwa.iinet.net.au
Phone : (08) 9386 5694 Email :
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