I like the "old days"..... Even if I was jumped on a few times :-)
As you have already said an anti-bander is not going to convince a pro-bander
that it is a bad thing and vice versa, so lets get off the merry-go-round and
just enjoy the rest of the carnival.
If you are anti-banding, hopefully you're also anti fishing line, plastics
Yours in all things "green"
John Harris
Croydon, Vic
Owner - Wildlife Experiences
Nature Photographer
Wildlife Guide
President, Field Naturalists Club of Victoria
----- Reply message -----
From: "Russ" <>
To: "Birding Aus" <>
Subject: The banding debate
Date: Mon, Feb 25, 2013 22:24
Hi all
In the olden days I used to jump in at this point and say "enough!" and
shut down the debate. I'm not about to do that, but I think it is a good
time to ask contributors to think about a few things before they post:
a) Has the same argument been put several times by others?
b) Are your comments just personal opinion (nothing wrong with that) or do
you really have evidence to cite? It's best to be clear in either case.
c) Debate the topic, don't attack the messenger (they may be inclined to
sue you if you you edge over the line into defamation)
d) This is an emotional topic for many people. Just remember that your
posts will stay on the archive, so write with clarity or passion, but don't
be hot-headed or abusive.
e) Try to avoid sweeping generalisations.
No matter how convincingly you write, your contributions won't stop
banding, and they won't make everyone accept banding.
We should probably add a new rule for Birding-Aus: no trolling. That is,
don't deliberately write inflammatory or provocative posts just to get an
argument going.
Russell Woodford
Birding-Aus Founder
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