Dare I mention fig-parrots?
Eric Vanderduys
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Chris Corben
Sent: Wednesday, 20 February 2013 1:42 PM
Subject: [BIRDBAND] Unidentified bird - more misinformation
Well done Allen!
A while back there was a very cute photo of a family of Blue Jays going around.
Only trouble was, the kids were exactly the same colour as the adults, but a
lot smaller! In fact of course, kids are a different colour but the same size!
So welcome to our new world! Just as technological advances bring us to the
point where it is now vastly easier to see what a bird really looked like,
unfiltered by our personal prejudices, we now have to face the fact that we can
no longer trust anything someone shows us! It's like a metaphor for the whole
Internet. Just as it opened up unprecedented channels of communication and
information, it abruptly filled up with nonsense!
Oh well...
Cheers, Chris.
On 02/19/2013 09:16 PM, Anthony Overs wrote:
> Allen,
> That looks like a perfect match! A google image search indeed shows
> the bird but obviously in grey/gray (e.g.
> http://www.pbase.com/james_lowen/image/82538827). The alula and black
> mask are diagnostic.
> I am flabbergasted by the efforts of someone using photoshop to
> deliberately mislead people.
> Well done, and thanks for your help!
> Cheers
> Anthony
> On 20 February 2013 14:05, Allen Chartier <> wrote:
>> Anthony,
>> It has the look of a South American bird, Masked Gnatcatcher, with
>> all the grays shifted to blues. Looks the wrong shape for any Fairy-Wren.
>> Allen T. Chartier
>> Email:
>> Hummer website: www.amazilia.net/MIHummerNet
>> Photos: www.amazilia.net
>> Blog: www.mihummingbirdguy.blogspot.com Sent from my Droid On Feb 19,
>> 2013 9:00 PM, "Anthony Overs" <> wrote:
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