Just to clarify. I did not make the assumption that the 14 birds came from
Lord Howe. It was in the video that claimed Taronga Zoo reckoned they were
recently fledged Sooty Terns from the sandy beaches of LHI and brought in
by the wind. Actually I don't think these birds are going back to LHI as
the vet says they will take them "way off shore and release them"
On 5 February 2013 14:13, Philip Veerman <> wrote:
> Yes I wonder why to presume they will soon be flown back to Lord Howe. How
> is anyone supposed to know if they were from Qld (where in Qld) and where
> would the funds come to send them to somewhere even further than Lord Howe
> or anywhere else within their normal range.
> Philip
> -----Original Message-----From:
> On Behalf Of Wilsons
> Sent: Monday, 4 February 2013 9:30 PM To: birding-aus Subject:
> Re:
> [Birding-Aus] Sooty Tern - Nielsen Park - Sydney
> Chris Gregory wrote "...Also in todays SMH there is a short article
> describing how 14 birds [Sooty Terns] have so far been found in Sydney
> suburbs from Strathfield to Dural and are being rehabilitated at Taronga. I
> presume will soon be flown back to Lord Howe.
> And what if they didn't come from Lord Howe but somewhere else? If these
> were Qld birds it's be like me in the CBD catching a cab to Turramurra and
> ending up in Bankstown with no idea how I got there.
> Cheers
> Tom Wilson
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