Published sightings for the week ending 2 Dec 2012.
Sun 2 Dec
Peregrine Falcon
2 Peregrine Falcons flying around near the escarpment in Thirroul.
Michael Crosland
Red-rumped Parrot
Leichhardt, Inner West, Sydney
A male Red-rumped Parrot spent most of the morning in a tree in our backyard in Leichhardt (Sydney), NSW. This is an unusual sighting in this area. (We haven't seen or heard 'our' Eastern Rosellas - see previous posts - for a couple of months).
Nikolas Haass & Raja Stephenson
Sat 1 Dec
Blue-faced Honeyeaters (5), Nankeen Night-Heron, Little Lorikeets
Nurragingy Reserve, Doonside (approx 5km west of Blacktown CBD)
At the entrance of Nurragingy Reserve, I saw a family of 5 Blue-faced Honeyeaters comprising of 2 adults, 2 juvenile (with green facial skin) and a recent fledgling (with orangey-brown facial skin. See pics). One of the adults was also visiting its old nest. Lots of other nice birds at Nurragingy Reserve including an adult Nankeen Night-Heron, Little Lorikeets and numerous Scarlet Honeyeaters and Mistletoebirds, Rufous Fantail, 3 Fan-tailed Cuckoos. Conditions look similar to when the Regent Honeyeaters were last here a few years ago with alot of flowering mistletoe attracting numerous honeyeaters.
Edwin Vella
Powerful Owl
N end of Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney
Single bird seen well in fig tree at junction between Conservatorium and Govt House - approx 4pm. Very hot day but the owl seemed quite settled. Sitting on a Brushtail Possum.
Tom Wilson
Australian Pratincole, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Australasian Shoveler, Red-necked Stint, Red-n Avocet
Goran Lake, 30km South of Gunnedah, NSW 2380
At Goran Lake today, we noticed that the eastern side of the lake is now dry and has aleady been re-planted. We found at least 13 Australian Pratincoles! The Pratincoles were seen wading along the shore of Goran Lake as well as the eastern side of the lake where it is now dry. Other Highlights include: Large mixed flocks of Red-capped Plovers and Red-necked Stints with a single Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, About 60 Black winged Stilts and about 100 Red-necked Avocets (less than normal), A few hundred Australian Pelicans, Silver Gulls and Masked Lapwings everywhere, More than 200 Whiskered Terns, 3 Gull-billed Terns, More than 3 Caspian Terns, More than 200 Pink-eared Ducks (also a few hundred Grey Teal), Large flocks of Great and Little Black Cormorant, A few White necked Herons and Great Egrets, a Whistling Kite and a pair of Australasian Pipit and a pair of Australasian Shovelers were observed just before departure from Goran Lake. Unusually, Dotterels were not seen anywhere around the lake.
Michael Dahlem, Ros Druce & Curtis Hayne
White-throated Honeyeater, White-winged Triller.
1 km west of Brooms head, Yuraygir National Park.
Seen 1 White-winged Triller and 10 to 12 White-throated Honeyeaters.
michael ronan.
Fri 30 Nov
Pied Oystercatcher, Sanderling
Farquhar Inlet, Old Bar
Pied Otstercatchers with two large chicks, 10+ Sanderling, 100's of Little Terns (many seen feeding chicks), osprey, Bar-tailed godwits, Red-necked Stints, Pacific Golden Plovers, Common Terns and Red-capped Plovers.
Tim Faulkner
Australian Painted Snipe, Freckled Duck, Pink-eared Duck, Black-tailed Native Hen
Dam, Berrima Rd, Moss Vale. Private property
4 Australian Painted Snipe, 8 Freckled Ducks, 7 Pink-eared Ducks, 1 Black-tailed Native Hen, 3 Red-kneed dotterels, 4 Black-winged stilts, and a Musk Duck. 28 species in total. All can be seen from outside the property, please do not access the property.
Terry Dunlea and Peter Dewey
White-throated Needletail
Three White-throated Needletails observed flying about 50-100m above ground level at 6:30pm in front of approaching storm.
Paul Burcher & Jacqueline Reifenstein
Bar-tailed Godwits
Long Reef Aquatic Reserve
2 birds seen early this morning feeding in the seaweed on the beach.
Mark Young
Magpie Goose, Black-winged Stilt, Latham's Snipe
Narrabri Lake, Narrabri 2390
New "head count" from Narrabri Lake (up from last week): 50 Magpie Geese (photo), 3 Latham's Snipes, 3 Black-winged Stilts, 5 Red-kneed Dotterels, 3 Glossy Ibises now. 6 Australian Pelicans have arrived (they usually don't stay long).
Michael Dahlem
Black Bittern
Wallarah Creek, Olney Drive Blue Haven
Great views of male Black Bittern. Initiually flushed but relocated perched in outer branches of Casuarina only 6 metrs way. Surprising variety of bird species here in middle of day-Variegated Wren, Scarlet, New Holland, White-Cheeked, Yellow -Faced Honeyeater, Rufous Whistler plus other common species
Allan Benson
White-throated Needletail
White-throated Needletail (50) Birds sighted above Willoughby St Epping at 10:45 as I was hanging out the washing. Soaring directly above, binoculars revealed that there were many more birds higher up. Circled around for about 10 minutes before birds came together in a much lower & tighter flock & shot off to the south.
Jenny Stiles
Thu 29 Nov
Hooded Robin
Barkers Lodge Rd, Razorback (private property)
Nice views of single male Hooded Robin during inspection of large grazing property. Owner-grazier has not formerly observed this species on property.
Peter Ridgeway
Southern Boobook
Three Boobooks heard calling at the same time near the edge of Rumbalara Reserve at 9pm. The first time I have heard more than two. Juvenile Powerful Owl also heard calling but not seen.
Nick Carson
Emerald Dove and Wompoo Fruit-Dove
Lower Pappinbarra
The first Emerald Dove I have seen here for many years, one at 8am and then again at 6pm. The Wompoos have been seen or heard every day for many weeks now. One Grey Goshawk seen roosting high, and large numbers of Rainbow and Musk Lorikeet continue feeding on flowering Eucalypts.
Ian Kerr
White-throated Needletail
Table and Gore St Port Macquarie 2444
7.30. am 150/200 bird's flying very low 20/40 Mts.
Dave Whitfield
Wed 28 Nov
Australian Painted Snipe
Limestone Creek 33 38S 148 54E 1' Cell
Australian Painted Snipe (3) 1 Male, 2 Females. Photographed. On private property.
Bec Read
Wed 28 Nov
Powerful Owl
Juvenile heard and seen sitting low in a Eucalypt with a half eaten juvenile Brush-tail Possum. No adult PO's present.
Nick Carson & Allan Benson
A single Brolga seen early this morning, flying low in a southerly direction.
Clive Meadows
White-winged Triller, Musk Lorikeet, Little Lorikeet
Ocean Drive, Lakewood
Male White-winged Triller present to the west of the Lakewood Shopping Centre. Also present were Musk Lorikeets and Little Lorikeets feeding in flowering blackbutts. Musk Lorikeets are unusual in the Port Macquarie area.
Tim Morris
Wompoo Fruit-dove
Knorrit Flat
Great selection of birds over past few days. Russet-tailed thrush, Spectacled Monarchs and Black-faced Monarchs, Noisy Pitta all common. White-throated Nightjar last night and 6 Wompoo Fruit-doves today. Excellent camping too.
Tim Faulkner
Tue 27 Nov
Glossy Ibis
West Byron Wetlands, Byron Bay, Far North Coast NSW
One skulking in the rushes, plenty Lathams Snipes bursting out of everywhere wet and grassy
Duncan Fowler
Glossy Ibis
The Lagoon (south of Bathurst)
Three Glossy Ibis poking around in the receding waters at the southern end of the wetland. Also enjoying the mud was a pair of Red-kneed Dotterel and a pair of Australian Spotted Crake. Other birds at The Lagoon: Pink-eared Ducks (many), Grey Teal (great many), Australian Shoveler, Black-winged Stilt, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Pacific Black Duck, Purple Swamphen, White-faced Heron, Golden-headed Cisticola and one Yellow-billed Spoonbill.
Tiffany Mason (alerted to Glossies by Chris Marshall)
Spotted Harrier, Peregrine Falcon, Australian Hobby, Banded Lapwing
Richmond Lowlands, Richmond
A sub-adult Spotted Harrier was on the University of Western Sydney land in Cornwallis Lane, Near Cornwallis Rd. Later a Peregrine Falcon was perched in a dead tree on the West side of the same paddock. The Australian Hobby was on power lines in Onus lane. There was an adult and 4 juvenile Banded Lapwings on plowed ground in Cornwallis Rd near the Chinese Market Gardens (Riverside of the Road).
Adrian Dick.
Little Lorikeets
2 birds in flowering gum trees.
Not seen often in Thirroul.
michael crosland
Swamp Harrier
Sutton Forest
One bird seen flying low over Exeter Rd about 7am. SHs are irregularly spotted in the Southern Highlands; I'm yet to see one in Bundanoon.
Lorne Johnson
Little Lorikeets
Macquarie Uni, Culloden Road side
Group of at least 20 birds flew over the car park at Macq Uni Sports Centre, heading NE. Flock was tightly packed; birds were very small and making a call like small ball bearings being banged together.
Tom Wilson
Mon 26 Nov
Ground Cuckoo-Shrike
3km east of junction of Reedy Creek Road and Silent Grove Road, 32.7km west of Tenterfield
Two birds observed feeding in paddock and then moving further to the south. Grazing paddock with scattered shrubs and trees.
David Charley
Powerful Owl
Juvenile heard calling at 9pm and located with the adult female on an exposed Bluegum branch near the creek. The adult owl was holding a small mammal in its talons and both birds were picking at it. Shortly after, the juvenile flew about 50 metres away and called intermittently. The adult called quietly several times but stayed on the branch for another 20 minutes feeding and preening before flying out of sight. Both adult and juvenile were spotted again in separate trees before flying off again.
Nick Carson and Alan Morris
Grey Currawong
Bundanoon (Morton National Park)
At least 3 birds calling to the east of Gambells Lookout, Grand Canyon between 7:30 and 8pm. A new species for my Bundanoon list (bird 143). Other highlights: Sooty Owl, Black-faced Monarch, Superb Lyrebird, Pilotbird, Peregrine Falcon, Crescent Honeyeater, Fan-tailed Cuckoo & Eastern Whipbird.
Lorne Johnson
Fan-tailed Cuckoo, Topknot Pigeon
Fort Street High School
1 Fan-tailed Cuckoo calling very loudly at about 12:30 (Middle of english). Uncommon in the inner west. In addition there were 6 Topknot Pigeons, I have not previously seen them at this site!
Simon Gorta
Black-tailed Godwit
Stockton Sandspit
Visited Stockton Sandspit today, no Grey Plover, but all the usual suspects were present.
Interesting was one Black-tailed Godwit in full breeding plumage.
Unusual for this time of year, but very impressive.
Carol Abbott
Little Terns
Burrill Lake. Ulladulla
7 Little Terns were seen at the entrance this morning,up from 2 on Friday
Little Terns are slowly increasing in numbers at the moment around the fenced off nesting enclosure along with 4 Hooded Plovers. The nesting of the Pied Oystercatchers and the Hoodies has been a bit of a disaster this season because the swells, rain and high tides we have experienced here. There is still a POs nest with 2 eggs intact further up the lake
Bob Rusk
Sun 25 Nov
Swamp Harrier
Tempe Ponds, Tempe
Swamp Harrier flapped low and slow over the ponds before flying north to Ikea. That brings the bird list for Tempe Ponds up to 53.
Melissa Mason
Little Tern, Nankeen Night-Heron, Latham's Snipe
Eastlakes golf course
One Little Tern very active around dusk in the middle of the main lake, previously there were two (-33.933035,151.217147). 3 Nankeen Night-Herons seen flying over smaller pond (-33.935937,151.215838) as well as 10 Latham's Snipe overall around the same pond. Two peregrine falcon also seen (photograph).
Simon Gorta
Powerful Owl
The juvenile Powerful Owl was heard calling whilst flying past my house at 9pm and adult female heard calling at 1030, although I was unable to sight either of them. Other birds calling between 9pm and 1030pm were Eastern Koel, Little Corella and Southern Boobook.
Nick Carson
Sat 24 Nov
Common Sandpiper
Lake Chickiba, Ballina
2 Common Sandpipers on sandbank on NE end of lake.
Sandra Gallienne, Judy Leitch, Kathy Clark
Fri 23 Nov
Powerful Owl
Waratah Rd Mangrove Mountain
Single juvenile bird showing white breast seen in garden of farmhouse of Waratah Rd Mangrove Mountain. There are few breeding records for the Central Coast. Seen in evening, also present pair of Black-shouldered Kite with juvenile & 4 White-throated Needletails
Kim Moses and Kaye Pointer per Alan Morris
Thu 15 Nov
Powerful Owl
Calder Rd Rydalmere
Single juvenile bird, showing white breast and white on face, seen on TV antenna at Calder Rd Rydalmere
Karen Burge, Kaye Pointer + 10 others per Alan Morris