Hi Guys,
I've just been given a little more information, so a correction is in order,
the bird would be into it's second year, so it is not a first year bird, but a
one year old bird.
On 31/10/2012, at 7:10 AM, ALLAN RICHARDSON wrote:
> Hi BA,
> On Monday while checking the status of incoming Common Terns at Newcastle
> Ocean Baths rock shelf a smaller different looking bird was noticed, in
> particular, short legs, strong demarcation of white rump to grey back,
> suggesting and immature Arctic Tern. A stack of photos were were taken and
> after scrutiny on Monday evening I sent a bunch of photos off to some guys
> with much more experience with Arctic Terns to verify if what I took to be an
> Arctic Tern was just that. The bird has been confirmed as a first year Arctic
> Tern and was showing well through the middle of the day with over 80 Common
> Terns, a couple of White-fronted Terns, a few Little Terns (some in breeding
> garb and one or two in non-breeding plumage) and the usual Crested Terns. An
> exceptional opportunity to compare three species of commic tern together with
> cresteds and littles for size comparison, although it is perhaps unlikely
> that the Arctic Tern will hang around for long. The bird is exhibiting very
> worn wi
> feathers, but is likely only briefly stopping over while on migration
> further south.
> The birds congregate on the rock self to the east of the baths. If you
> require further information, I've cc'd in my work email as I only monitor
> this email address when at home.
> Regards,
> Allan Richardson
> Morisset NSW
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