I've seen the current facility (the room attached to ranger's house), and
it is very crowded. the range of reference books is very good, but this
room is also a meeting room, research lab, the only internet access site
for the ranger and all the visiting researchers, etc etc. Heavily used and
space is limited. Gluepot is an important research site, in terms of birds,
plants and so on, so they need decent facilties. There are often quite a
number of researchers from Australia and overseas at the reserve.
sandra henderson, canberra
On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 4:38 PM, Bob Cook <> wrote:
> Hi all
> While we have not seen any details of the proposed "library", I share
> Laura's concern with this use of scarce funds. Surely we do not go to
> Gluepot to consult a library! A few guide books and relevant reference
> books being available would be useful to have onsite but surely that does
> not cost $30,000. Does anyone have any more information on this proposal.
> This money could be very valuable in resourcing the many other great
> activities being undertaken at Gluepot.
> Bob Cook
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> On Behalf Of Laura Phibbs
> Sent: Wednesday, 12 September 2012 10:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Gluepot's financial choices
> Dear members
> As a contributor to the establishment of Gluepot Reserve I was thrilled to
> finally be able to visit the reserve with my husband, during our 3-month
> long trip (birdwatching and general holidaying) throughout Australia.
> Others have already sung the praises of Birds/Birdlife Australia's
> fantastic work at Gluepot and we fully agree with those.
> We had a great time there and saw many birds that were new to us. For a
> reserve that's obviously run on a limited budget, and (by UK standards at
> least) has very low visitor numbers, we were pleasantly surprised with the
> facilities provided to visitors.
> The purpose of my email is to bring to members' attention a, to us, rather
> unusual decision taken by the Gluepot board. We've been reading birding-aus
> when we can during our trip but this issue seems to have escaped attention.
> It appears that the Gluepot board is proposing to construct a library at a
> proposed cost of almost $30,000. Having spent a number of days at the
> Reserve, and talking to the people there, this seems to me a rather odd
> decision. The rangers and other staff appear to be volunteers. Given the
> limited finances that the organisation no doubt has to operate within, and
> given the state of for example Black-eared Miners (critically endangered
> and
> still declining), Malleefowl (only one active mound left which was
> destroyed
> by a fox?), we question the need for this project. However we are not close
> enough to the action to be fully aware of all the intricacies surrouding
> the
> proposal, nor do we wish to be. We merely thought it worth bringing to
> members' attention,
> in order to stimulate some discussion amongst those that are better
> informed than us.
> We're off to the Flinders Ranges and Oodnadatta track next. Happy birding!
> Laura & Warwick Phibbs
> en-route somewhere in Oz
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