Cheer up. It is a long way from a "proposal" and port. If the Hastings project
costs $12 Bill, the Werribee proposal will cost at least the same, especially
when you throw in the cost of the road upgrades that would be needed. And on
top of that, where does the money come from?
There is likely to be years of vacillating, testelocution, duck-shoving,
multiple elections and the usual government processes to be undertaken before
any decision is made. By then China will probably have gone down the gurgler
and the port will be redundant.
Remember, always look on the bright side of life....
Carl Clifford
On 04/09/2012, at 4:16 PM, Dave Torr <> wrote:
> http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/government-urged-to-consider-secret-bay-west-option-for-port-20120903-25amq.html
> A proposal to build a new container port between the Werribee river and Pt
> Wilson. For those who don't know the area, this is almost exactly the area
> occupied by the famous Western Treatment Plant and the coast is a haven for
> waders and an ever diminishing number of Orange-bellied Parrots. There are
> also plans (more advanced) to build a container terminal on land currently
> used by Banded Lapwings - 48 there on Sunday, many nesting.
> And all so we can import even more consumer junk from China?
> Depressed Dave
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