Birdline Northern Territory
Published sightings for the week ending 19 Aug 2012.
Tue 14 Aug
Spinifex pigeon
Victoria Highway 130 Kim's east of Timber Creek
Travelling along the highway between Timber Creek and the WA border we noted 3 spinifex pigeons alongside the road. We did a quick 'u' turn and went back to confirm their identity. They were of the blue/ grey color.
Hedley and Irena Earl
Purple-crowned Fairy-wren
Victoria River Bridge Northern Territory
Purple-crowned Fairy-wren (4) Found a 'hot spot' for the purple crowned fairy wrens. Once you arrive at the car park take the 200 meter walk to the river. Half way along the wrens are located. We saw them at 10am and then returned to the site at 12noon and readily found them again.
Hedley Earl
Mon 13 Aug
Ground Cuckoo-shrike
Napperby Station
Ground Cuckoo-shrike 3 birds flew from roadside tree onto dirt road, early morning, 1 stayed mainly in the grasses by the side of the road, 1 stayed mainly on the road and the other walked between the grasses and the road. Flew off towards dry riverbed after 2-3 minutes.
Richard Waring
Radjah Shelduck, Southern Boobook
Radjah Shelduck Two birds perched above a creek bed about 200 meters into the botanical walk situated along John Hauser drive at Mataranka
Southern Boobook Totally surprised to encounter 3 southern boobooks about 100 meters in from the roadside about 2 kilometers along the John Hauser Drive. The birds after being flushed settled in tree branches allowing fantastic photo opportunities? Given it was 11 am we were extremely surprised and totally delighted!
Hedley Earl
Sun 12 Aug
Great-billed Heron
Gorge 2, Nitmiluk (Katherine Gorge)
Not sure how rare to see, but our guide on the dinner cruise over 10 years has only seen 4. The Heron landed on a rock ledge above us, approx 3metres above water level, viewed the water for 2-3 minutes, then crash dived from the ledge into the water, and came to the surface with a 10cm (approx) Archer Fish in its beak. Have photos but can't download them until I return home in 6 weeks.
Andrew Browne
| Birdline Northern Territory is sponsored by Eremaea Birds and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.
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