Hello Birdingpal,
I'm Ronald Jansen from The Netherlands and really happy that I can visit
Australia in september/oktober this year. It will be my third visit and so far
I have seen about 480 species in Australia (not to bad in only 9 weeks).
This time I hope to see as many new birds as possible. Any help with that wil
be very welkom.
I will be traveling with my girlfrend Indira. She also likes to see some birds
but is not as fanatic as I am.
3, 4 and 5 october we will visit Cunnamulla and the Adventure way. In this
short time we hope to see the following new birds: Chestnut-breasted
Quail-thrush, Hall's Babbler, Grey Falcon, Grey-grasswren and Inland Dottrel
Are my main targets. Also on top of the list are Gibberbird and Letterwinged
Kite if these birds are in the area.
Australian Crake, Major Michell's Cockatoo, Freckled duck and Australian
Pratincole will be other new birds.
If you can help me to see or give me directions to see any of the birds
mentiont (especially my main targets) I will be verry Grateful.
I hope I here from you.
Kind Regards
Ronald and Indira
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