Hi All,
Sorry about the short notice but Illawarra Birders arranged their annual
mini-pelagic for this Friday, and there is one place available if anyone's
interested at a cost of $45.00 (this is of course a not-for-profit event).
The trip has been arranged with SOSSA and departs on the Sandra K from the
south side of Wollongong harbour at 7.30am. The trip is scheduled to last
four hours; obviously we won't get to the shelf but should get to the trap
reef and the Five Islands.
The club organises an annual pelagic trip for club members as an
introduction to pelagic birding; it is also popular with those that can't
face the prospect of a whole day at sea! There is a good chance of seeing
several albatross species and other seabirds. It is also hoped that SOSSA
will be able to catch some birds and bring them on board for banding.
If you are interested in participating, please send an email to
and provide a contact telephone number - first come
first served!
Martin Potter
See also http://www.sossa-international.org/
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