I have appended a TODO list for Chris created by combining North American
animals lists from Wikipedia with the Gazetteer of Australian place names.
More than the South/East/West Alligator River have to go.
Don't panic Chris, the name counts are inflated because the one
geographic feature can have multiple entries in the gazetteer. Also
the North American lists apparently include vagrants & ferals - so you
can skip for example, Blackcap Qld, if you are only worried about North
American imperialism.
I guess Blackcap and several others probably aren't named after the
foreign animal. Others like Cotinga Hill SA are harder to understand.
BTW I didn't do this manually - I wrote a small script to do it to see
if it'd be a good programming exercise for my students - and it will.
Alligator: Alligator Peak AAT and 74 other Australian names
Armadillo: Armadillo SA
Auk: Auk Point TAS
Badger: Badger Brush NSW and 52 other Australian names
Bear: Bear Creek NSW and 25 other Australian names
Beaver: Beaver Lake AAT and 14 other Australian names
Blackbird: Blackbird Creek NSW and 10 other Australian names
Blackcap: Blackcap QLD
Bluebird: Bluebird Island SA and 3 other Australian names
Boa: Boen Boa NSW
Boar: The Poley Boar NSW and 12 other Australian names
Brant: Brant Ridge QLD
Bullfinch: Bullfinch WA and 3 other Australian names
Bunting: Bunting Creek QLD
Caiman: Caiman Creek NT
Canary: Canary Island VIC and 7 other Australian names
Cardinal: Cardinal Bore WA
Caribou: Caribou Creek QLD and 2 other Australian names
Chameleon: Chameleon Bore SA
Condor: Condor NSW and 3 other Australian names
Cotinga: Cotinga Hill SA
Deer: New Deer QLD and 24 other Australian names
Dunlin: Dunlin TAS
Ferret: Ferret SA and 2 other Australian names
Flamingo: Flamingo NSW and 2 other Australian names
Fox: Fox Ridge AAT and 119 other Australian names
Goat: Goat Bay AAT and 130 other Australian names
Goldfinch: Goldfinch Creek QLD
Greenfinch: Greenfinch Reserve SA
Grouse: Grouse Swamp Bore SA
Guan: Guan Gua NSW and 2 other Australian names
Hare: Hare Bay NSW and 9 other Australian names
Iguana: Iguana VIC and 15 other Australian names
Jabiru: Jabiru QLD and 24 other Australian names
Jackdaw: Jackdaw Bank Dam SA
Jaguar: Jaguar Reef QLD
Jay: Jay Creek NT and 10 other Australian names
Lark: Lark Hill NSW and 12 other Australian names
Lemming: Lemming Corner NSW
Lion: Mount Lion NSW and 38 other Australian names
Lynx: Lynx Reef QLD and 1 other Australian name
Macaw: Macaw Peak SA and 3 other Australian names
Mallard: Mount Mallard QLD and 1 other Australian name
Marten: Cape Marten WA
Merlin: Merlin QLD and 10 other Australian names
Mockingbird: Mockingbird Gully NSW
Mole: Mole Station NSW and 37 other Australian names
Monkey: Monkey Cot NSW and 64 other Australian names
Moose: Moose Hill NSW and 3 other Australian names
Otter: Otter Reef QLD and 3 other Australian names
Partridge: Partridge NSW and 15 other Australian names
Pheasant: Pheasant Creek NSW and 47 other Australian names
Porcupine: Porcupine NSW and 55 other Australian names
Rabbit: Rabbit NSW and 70 other Australian names
Rattlesnake: Rattlesnake Point QLD and 5 other Australian names
Redwing: Redwing SA and 3 other Australian names
Rook: Rook Workings SA and 2 other Australian names
Screech-Owl: Screech-Owl Creek SA
Solitaire: Mount Solitaire NT and 1 other Australian name
Sparrow: Sparrow Flat NSW and 4 other Australian names
Squirrel: Squirrel Creek QLD and 5 other Australian names
Starling: Starling Park NSW and 2 other Australian names
Stork: Stork Reef QLD and 2 other Australian names
Toucan: Toucan NSW
Turkey: Turkey Creek QLD and 132 other Australian names
Weasel: Weasel Gap AAT and 3 other Australian names
Wildcat: Wildcat Bore NT and 8 other Australian names
Wolf: Wolf Rock QLD and 3 other Australian names
Wolverine: Wolverine Shoal TAS
Woodcock: Mount Woodcock NT and 4 other Australian names
Woodpecker: Woodpecker Creek QLD
Zebra: Zebra Peak AAT and 2 other Australian names