Sorry, can't help you with the cause, etc, but here are some good images of
"blown eye". Will have give bird's eyes a closer look.
Carl Clifford
Sent from my iPad
On 20/04/2012, at 11:58, sonja ross <> wrote:
> I was looking at an overseas birding blog this morning while having a coffee,
> and it was about "blown eyes", a term I hadn't heard before. It seems to be
> when the pupil leaks into the iris. Is this a term used here?
> I've recorded it once that I remember in a photo of a Great Egret, where one
> eye was normal, and the other had a dark area going from the pupil into the
> coloured area. Has anyone else seen this?
> The blog writer speculated about possible causes. Does anyone have thoughts
> about that?
> Thanks.
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