Hi Peter
white breasted woodswallow is regular at Pt Augusta, I think summer only.
On 11 April 2012 14:58, Peter Ewin <> wrote:
> Just back from a trip to the Eyre Peninsula, with one night in Port
> Augusta, a week at Louth Bay (just north of Port Lincoln) and 3 nights at
> Clare on the way home. Mainly a family holiday, I did get a few
> opportunities to go birding with the highlight being a pair of Bush
> Stone-curlews in the bush right next to the house at Louth Bay (totally
> unexpected and I would be interested in other sightings around this area -
> are they resident here?).
> Locations visited and other highlights included:
> Port Augusta - All 3 stilt species at the salt lake on the entrance to
> town (many more Banded on the return journey)
> Arid Land Gardens - Chirruping Wedgebill, Redthroat (1f), flocks of
> Purple-crowned Lorikeet (also at Caravan Park), White-breasted Woodswallow
> (range expansion?)
> Louth Bay - Bush Stone-curlew, Rock Parrot, both Oystercatchers, Brush and
> Common Bronzewing (both common on soutehrn Eyre Peninsula) Black-faced
> Cormorant
> Koppio Hills (howling NW blowing) - Tawny-crowned HE in roadside flowering
> mallee - seemed odd habitat to me
> Lincoln NP (visited the Western Whipbird site in T&T and walked to Pillie
> Lake, followed by time spent at Surfleet Cove and September Beach) -
> Western Yellow Robin, Osprey, huge numbers of Dusky Woodswallow (also
> probable Blue-breasted Fairy-wren and Southern Scrub-robin possibly heard)
> Whalers Way lookout - Rock Parrot
> Port Lincoln area (including Billy Lights Point, Lincoln Cove Marina and
> Big Swamp) - White-bellied Sea-eagle, (late?) Sacred Kingfisher, Western
> Yellow Robin, Banded Stilt, 1 Common Greenshank
> Coffin Bay NP (including Long Beach) - Southern Emu-wren (target
> subspecies poorly seen at Altoma Beach), Blue-breasted Fairy-wren (family
> group with 1 male with enough plumage to confirm ID), Fairy Tern,
> Australian 'Port Lincoln' Ringneck (surprisingly few seen), 1 Common
> Greenshank
> Whyalla CP (Wild Dog Hill) - stopped in middle of day on return journey -
> no Grasswren seen but a great flock of ' Black-capped' Sittellas
> Clare - nothing spectacular but a few giood Riesling's sampled (and bought)
> A nice female Peregrine seen east of Morgan and a Spotted Harrier on the
> southern outskirts of Mildura were some nice raptors from the return
> journey.
> My 5 year old son has started a bird list and we didn't get to 100, but he
> has BSC on his list before Laughing Kookaburra (heard only so far) so he is
> off to a good start (the 3 year old is pretty good as well) and it was fun
> trying to get good views of common birds again.
> Thanks to everyone with advice on potential sites, and definitely keen to
> get back to the POrt Augusta/Whylla.Lincoln area in spring.
> Cheers,
> Peter
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