Hey all,
To all of those you going after the Hudwit tomorrow some advise that may or may
not be useful.
1) All 2-3 Black-tailed Godwits I've found in the lake this year have been in
the company of Black-winged Stilts and so has the Hudwit. So I suggest grinding
any stilt flocks you come across.
2) There may/are Black-tailed Godwits on the lake... if the birds' are distant
the only way of definitely identifying it should be through it's underwing.
3) Lake Joondalup is huge and the vast majority of it is inaccessible. It's
currently hosting thousands (10s of thousands?) of birds. Finding it should be
a challenge. (That said, the bird literally flew into my field of view... so if
you are lucky...). Most of the Stilts have been on the southern end of the lake
(Picnic Cove) so searching there-> Neil Hawkings may be your best chance. There
are tiger snakes in the scrub so be careful if you go off the main path.
4) Conditions are excellent for crake watching atm with all three species and
buff-banded rail being easy to see, so there's that for compensation... oh and
the sight of thousands of birds. Glossy Ibis are still present around picnic
cove too.
Happy hunting.
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