Hi Alex,
I am in Thailand at the moment and went out with the Games and Ian from South
Thailand Birding yesterday.
Just booked a day trip with them but we managed to see 110 species during the
day. I can thoroughly recommend them if your in the Phuket/Phrang-nga areas -
I had a great time! They do do longer tours and tailor made ones too...
> From:
> To:
> Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2012 10:39:58 +1100
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] tours / guiders in Thailand
> Hi,
> Can anyone recommend tours and guiders in Thailand. There are a few on the
> web - for example Thailand Bird Watching (Tony Eagle Eye) - that seem
> reasonable. I want a budget trip, staying in local homestay type accom.
> Happy to rough it as it is more fun that way. Any advice most appreciated.
> Cheers, Alex
> Alex Kutt
> M: 0419090171
> E: <>
> S: alex.kutt
> A: PO Box 151 Ashburton, Vic 3147
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