Can you please enlighten on how these ebooks work. They sound interesting
but I have concerns. I am unlikely to buy an ereader of some sort if the
ebooks are only marginally cheaper than or as expensive as a hard copy and
if the ebooks cannot be stored safely somewhere on a hard drive, separate
from the ereader. Can people move them around as a simple file, swap them
etc by email?
Greg Little
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Carl Clifford
Sent: Monday, 19 December 2011 7:17 PM
To: Peter Shute
Subject: eBook Management Program
Peter, unfortunately I have not kept a list. Here are a few sites that
offer free ebooks This list
of sites is by no means complete, I am finding new sites all the time.
In the few weeks I have had my ereader, I have been more involved in
an orgy of science fiction. Baen books, one of the main SF publishers
has a great library of free books, and I have been working on
downloading most of their free library.
There is an rapidly growing number of sites offering so many books
(Project Gutenberg alone has some 36,000 titles) that finding what
interests you entails a fair bit of dredging.
Have fun dredging.
Carl Clifford
On 19/12/2011, at 6:13 PM, Peter Shute wrote:
Carl, any chance of a list of bird related eBooks you've found that
are free or cheap?
Peter Shute
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