Hi Steve,
I also use Birdsight AU, but on an iPod Touch. Along with the Morcombe App
and built in voice recorder, it is the complete field companion.
I have never found the screen brightness a problem, I set it high enough to
compensate and if necessary shade the screen with my body.
It has a couple of little quirks, such as when you want to make an entry in
the "notes" field for an observation, you have to backspace 4 times to
remove the default value of "none". Hopefully this and a couple of similar
non-critical annoyances will be fixed in the next release.
I use it as my default field recorder, but always carry a notepad and pencil
as backup.
-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Sass
Sent: Tuesday, 13 December 2011 2:17 PM
Subject: Checklist for Ipads/iPhones
Hello all,
I was wondering if anyone knows of a program or excel spreadsheet that can
be used as a checklist, so that you can 'check' off species in the field,
then generate a list of species observed when back in the office? Surely in
this age of technology there is some way of doing away with pen and
paper....thoughts anyone?
Steve Sass
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