
Buff-breasted Button-quail quest

To: <>
Subject: Buff-breasted Button-quail quest
From: robert burgoyne <>
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 17:34:12 +1100
For the past 4 days, Peter Marsh, David Way, Ron Broomhall and I and on one 
day, local Dominic Caplain (sp?), conducted searches for the BuffBBQ around the 
Mareeba Wetlands / Lake Mitchell area.  At least 2 individuals were sighted 
opposite Lake Mitchell roughly on the hillside behind the truck inspection area 
and to just past the Osprey nest on the pylon further south.  Three sightings 
of the target bird were made over 4 days with 5 good individual viewings with 2 
birds flushed more than once.  A number of Painted BQ's and several Brown BQ's 
were also flushed / seen in the successful area (Browns near the Pylon).  On 
the last occasion I even managed to get my bins on the bird to see the contrast 
in detail on the wings!  Lloyd Neilson and others were consulted extensively by 
Peter and there is no doubt re the sightings.  Peter will make a more detailed 
report later.  Keith Fisher at Kingfisher Park has also been appraised. The use 
of a line of persons walking through the area
  undoubtedly assisted in finding the birds.
Rob B                                     

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