G'day birdersA bit of help please identifying a wader please.
I live in Victor Harbor and spotted 2 small waders yesterday on the margins of
a sewage farm pond.The waders are very clearly a plover species;About the same
size as a Black-fronted Dotteral;Very busy feeders, almost non stop;Unbroken
very dark (black?) very obvious eye band that goes from the eyes right around
the back of the neck, but not across the eyes;Just above this eye band is a
creamish coloured strip that more or less follows the eye band aroundWhite from
the chin down and all of the undersideUpperparts a brownish, but in some lights
maybe a hint of green;Eyes black and no obvious orbital eye ring;Legs lightish
brown and in some lights maybe a slight pinkish;Bill is dark.
I think they're immature Black-fronted Dotterals, but Pizzey & Knight show an
immature Black-fronted Dotteral with an eye ring and shoulder tabs. These two
have neither.
John Mc
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