Hi Ashwin et. al.,
I've been away from the Hobart scene for some time, but I reckon Jeremy
O'Wheel's reply yesterday had pretty good info. Could also try Snug Falls for
Scrubtit and Pink Robin, and Olive Whistler. Satin Flycatcher, I'd try drier
woodlands - Waterworks Reserve??
John Tongue
Ulverstone, Tas.
On 14/11/2011, at 6:34 PM, Ashwin Rudder wrote:
> Hi all,
> I will be in Hobart in the first week of December, and am hoping to chase
> down a number of species, both endemic and others. I am especially hoping
> to see Scrubtit, Pink Robin, Olive Whistler, Satin Flycatcher (is Mt
> Wellington, specifically Fern Tree, the best spot for these four?); Brush
> Bronzewing, Blue-winged Parrot (Meehan Range?); and also (especially)
> Forty-spotted Pardalote and Swift Parrot. Finally, where near Hobart is the
> best spot for waders, and is there anywhere good for either Little or Fairy
> Tern; and is there a good spot to see Short-tailed Shearwaters?
> One important note: I cannot get out to Bruny Island, so please do not
> recommend it to me!
> Thanks in advance
> Ashwin Rudder
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