
Green Catbird - Linden, Blue Mountains

To: Birding Aus <>
Subject: Green Catbird - Linden, Blue Mountains
From: Evan Beaver <>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 06:29:27 +1100
Hi Birders! First post for a couple of years. Re-subscribed just to
tell you about this.

Staying with family in Linden recently, I heard a Green Catbird
calling from one of the wet gullies near by. Shamefully I didn't get
after it for a visual, mostly because our baby wasn't keen on any more
birding, but the call is pretty unmistakable. New bird in the Bluies
for me, which I didn't think would happen again after living there for
a few years. I've even got Topknot Pigeon up there.


Evan Beaver
Downer, ACT
lat=-35.24, lon=149.15

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