Hi everyone,
We have the following entries for the Birds Australia Victoria Twitchathon
(8-hour event):
Big Dippers
Mad-keen Kestrels
100 Would Do Us
Common Loudmouths
Norwegian Blues
Flat Chats
And the following entries for the Birds Australia Victoria Twitchathon
(24-hour event):
Inglorious Bustards
The Ruddy Bustards
Tick Tock Twins
The Bob Hawks
The Hillbillys
Why Knots
Robin Rednecks
Gang-gang Gang
Good luck to everyone! Some of you will treat this as a serious competition,
so may the best team win! Others will simply be out having fun, so have a
great time.
If anyone else wants to enter in either category, please download the
registration forms from the Birds Australia website at
http://www.birdsaustralia.com.au/the-organisation/vic-twitchathon.html and
send it to me as soon as possible - certainly before 4pm tomorrow.
Paul Dodd
Birds Australia Victoria Twitchathon Coordinator
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