Hello birding-ausJust to clarify, the possible Ruff I reported from Pitt Town
Lagoon on Sunday was definitely not a Wood Sandpiper due to the black band
running down the centre of the birds white rump, so the bird's identity is
still at large! I would love to get out this weekend and try to find it again,
but I have prior commitments. If anyone is in the area and thinks they're up
for looking for it, the directions are as follows:1: The lagoon is very full at
the moment, so you will have to wade through the water, though only up to just
above your ankles.2: At the gate, turn left and follow the fence-line all the
way until you reach the end of the reeds (33°35'21.17"S 150°51'29.18"E)3: At
this point, the water goes past the fence and into private property and the
water is too deep to continue wading out unless you wan to get really wet4: The
bird in question was at the shoreline on the other side of the fence about 25
metres away.Also present were 6 recently returned Pink-eared Ducks, a Spotless
Crake calling, and I see that Keith had both Little and Australasian Bittern
there yesterday.RegardsJoshua Bergmark
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