Hi Deb,
I just picked up a monfrotto 290 series from Camera House on the corner of lt
Bourke and Elizabeth (knowing you're in Melbourne too) this week. It's on the
heavy side - but meant for a scope.
The price on the box was $300 but I managed to talked them down to $200 - so it
might be worth popping in there as they seem to be willing to offer good deals
- and they seemed to have a good range of sizes and prices.
(I should also add I've no connection with the place at all - in fact it was
the first time I'd ever been into the shop).
> From:
> To:
> Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 22:26:00 +1000
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Tripods
> Could anyone offer advice about buying a tripod for a DSLR + 300mm lens?
> Obviously, the more you spend, the better the quality. I'm willing to spend
> about $300. Would that get me something not too heavy but still solid in
> windy weather? There are $80 tripods that seem pretty good. What's the
> difference?
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