I finally found a couple of spare hours this afternoon to see if the Green
Pygmy Geese were still at Moonee, NSW. Warren Thompson, Val and I arrived at
Smiths Lake just after 1500 hrs and almost instantly saw the male Goose
swimming about 20 m from the shore. We couldn't see the female at first but
after about 5 minutes I spotted it a little further out than the male. I took
some photos and then scanned the lake for other treats. We observed 20
Wandering Whistling-Ducks, 4 Comb-crested Jacanas, an adult male Mallard and
another male duck that looked like a Mallard cross, as well as numerous
Hardheads, Pacific Black Ducks, Eurasian Coot etc. The Goose was a lifer for
the three of us, following on two different observations of the Cotton
Pygmy-Goose on the NSW North Coast in recent years.
Greg Clancy
Ecologist and Wildlife Guide
Coutts Crossing NSW
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