Birdline Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 17 Jul 2011.
Thu 14 Jul
Buff-banded Rail
Port Gibbon Eyre Peninsular, South Australia
A single Buff-banded Rail observed at close quarters in thicket of saltbush at foreshare parking area in the samll town of Port Gibbon, just south of Cowell on the Eyre Peninsula - unusual for this region.
David Kowalick
Tue 12 Jul
Scarlet-chested Parrot
Gluepot Reserve, South Australia
A flock of 20 Scarlet-chested Parrot seen closely in east section of reserve.
Noel Luff (Ranger), Fiona Parkin, Greg Oakley, Tim Dolby
Mon 11 Jul
Australian Painted Snipe
Townsville , Queensland
Carlyle Garden Retirement Village - in an open drain within the complex, this male was first seen early morning and later (10.30) photographed in the same place. Appears to be a single bird. First seen being chased by a pair of Black-fronted Dotterel. ID photo by Ivor Preston.
Elna Kerswell
Fri 1 Jul
Scarlet-chested Parrots
Gluepot, South Australia
Do not rush down - they were in flight and have not been relocated.
Noel Luff (Vol Ranger) [Moderator Note: This has been included so as to inform any potential travellers.]
Noel Luff
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