Thanks, everyone, for all the advice. I've tried most of these procedures: sitting overlooking likely habitat from a good vantage point for hours at Borroloola and Gunlom for Carpentarian and White-throated, standing in front of a large clump of spinifex (from 2 to 20 metres) from which the calls of Kalkadoon were coming for over an hour until the sun went down, chasing through scrub at breakneck speed (successfully) for Thick-billed Grasswren, creeping forwards a few metres at a time along sand dunes for Eyrean, stopping and listening and creeping forward in lignum swamps (focusing on particularly healthy stands of lignum) for Grey, standing and listening (successfully) for Short-tailed Grasswren, bowling up to the habitat to see the birds hopping out in the open (Dusky Grasswren), and all combinations of the above (unsuccessfully) for Striated - and exercising extreme patience for all of them. I'd say I've devoted at least 60 hours looking for Carpentarian. I haven't yet got my wife to find them for me, so I'll have to try that one (though she's been on a few of these trips with me). Only one other bird has caused me anything like the grief of grasswrens - Grey Honeyeater, so it's very much a grasswren problem. Must be that I don't have the appropriate skills for finding them.
Rod Gardner
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