Birdline Central & Southern Queensland
Published sightings for the week ending 3 Jul 2011.
Sun 3 Jul
Cotton Pygmy-Goose
Lake Clarendon
Lone female on wetland outside dam-wall
-27.51706, 152.35065
Tom Tarrant, Joris & Krystal Elst
Hoary-headed Grebe
Farm-dam near Seven-mile Lagoon
Two birds, one in breeding-plumage, one transitional-moult
Tom Tarrant, Joris & Krystal Elst
Sat 2 Jul
Black-necked Stork
1 bird flying around lake at 1030 (same bird as seen here in late May?),also 3 Brown Goshawks
Stuart Pickering
Tue 28 Jun
Buff-banded Rail
Mango Hill
Bird visiting regularly in back yard, scavenging on meat bone left out for dog near pond and bushes. Bosses doves and pigeons and seems to be familiar with yard and not too afraid of my presence, though is too wary for me to photograph. Looks like one on link.
nev Wedding
Sun 26 Jun
Topknot Pigeon
Brisbane - Kedron Brook Wetlands, Nundah and Strathpine
Whilst out and about this weekend I noticed a strong passage of Topknot Pigeons over various areas of Brisbane.
Yesterday afternoon, I had c.500 birds in 6 flocks go over Kedron Brook wetlands, and then this morning whilst running chores such as shopping and putting the washing out, had c.300 in 2 flocks over Strathpine, and c.300 in 3 flocks over Nundah.
Birds were always very high up and heading north.
Would be interested to know if any other Brisbane birders noted a passage of Topknots this weekend? These observations were made in very short periods of being outside and looking, so curious to know if anyone noted a much larger movement happening?
Andy Jensen
| Birdline Central & Southern Queensland is sponsored by Birds Australia Southern Queensland and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.
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