I have seen this behaviour in New Zealand with an Australian Harrier
pursuing Red Knots at Miranda, N.Island. Circling around and rising over
the tight pack of knots, then diving into the pack, breaking it into two but
I didn't see it catching one.
On 2 July 2011 22:20, Debbie Lustig <> wrote:
> Late today at about 5.30pm, I saw something at the WTP that made me gasp.
> It was eight or nine Swamp Harriers hunting a flock of perhaps 200 small
> birds. Starlings, I think.This was over an area of about 500m2, along the
> road to Lake Borrie, just past the turnoff. The panicked birds rose in long
> streams, flying from the lake side of the road to the river side. They
> wheeled and twisted, breaking up then reassembling in concert. The harriers
> occasionally dived.It looked just like fish being herded by dolphins in the
> sea. The reeds there are high so I couldn't see if any birds were caught.
> But it seemed like the swampies were acting together.Could this be true?
> I've never seen this behaviour. Has anybody else?It certainly made my early
> evening an unforgettable one.
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