I recently finished 2 years at the editing table completing my DVD
series *Australia
- Discovering the World of Parrots.* The series has launched and is now
available to the general public. Its with as much gratitude as I can
possibly express that I offer my thanks to the fantastic Australian birding
community for its vital and valuable help for the project. Without all of
you at Birding-Aus this project would never have been.
Although I had strategized as carefully as possible before leaving
California, much of my planning ended up being last minute. Where else on
the planet could you literally ask for help with a species while on the
internet at a caravan park in the evening and by the next morning have not
only one but several answers with directions to find a species. Such is the
comradery and helpfulness of Birding-Aus.
First and foremost a round of applause and thanks to Russell Woodford and
his entire staff that operate this site. Without them I would have been in
sorry shape without this tool to offer me guidance in the field.
Special thanks to Gregory Little who not only offered his support along the
way on both the WA desert travel but also in Far North Queensland. Without
Greg's eyes and ears there would be no Princess footage in the series, and
Palm cockatoo footage would have been sorely lacking.
I would also like to personally thank the following who contributed
sightings and recommendations on where to find many parrot species: *Please
forgive me if for some reason I may have overlooked someone. Its
unintentional and if you contributed even a brief suggestion for me it was
taken to heart and with thanks.*
*Philip Brook *
*Akos Lumnitzer*
*Alan Richards*
*Don McKenna*
*David Simpson*
*Darren Smith*
*Arwen B. Ximenes*
*Mark Holdsworth*
*Matt Webb*
*Shane Pinner*
*Brian & Vickey Bilney*
*Mike Carter*
*Richard Chilton*
*Don Hadden*
*Dennis Lomman*
*Lyle Stromsodt*
*Mike & Sandy Clinch*
*John Graff*
*Frank O'Connor*
*Michael Corkill*
*Steve Milpacher*
*Denise Goodfellow*
*Grant Brosie*
*Tony Kinread*
*Charlie King*
*Tony Russell*
*David Stowe*
*Australian Bird Atlas Committee*
*John Cook*
*Richard Hall*
*Geoff Gates*
If you have any questions about the series or would like to know more about
it you are welcome to email me at
You can also see my blog if you like and learn more about my adventure (I
think lots of you know much about it already!) So hope you arent tired of
hearing from me about your gorgeous parrots and bird life.
Many thanks to each and everyone of you!
Don Kimball
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